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定 价:¥21.60

作 者: 郭涛
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
丛编项: 专业英语系列教材
标 签: 暂缺

ISBN: 9787560939209 出版时间: 2007-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 224 字数:  






CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Computers
 1.1 Milestones in Computer Development
 1.2 Computer-based Information Systems
 1.3 Computer Hardware
 1.4 Computer Software
CHAPTER 2 Computer Hardware
 2.1 Computer Hardware Basics
 2.2 Data Representation
CHAPTER 3 Computer Software
 3.1 Two Basic Types of Software
 3.2 System Software Components
 3.3 Operating Systems
 3.4 Application Software
CHAPTER 4 Program Development and Programming Languages
 4.1 Computer Program and Programming
 4.2 Programming Language
 4.3 Introduction to Common High-Level Languages
 4.4 Object Oriented Program Development
 4.5 Web Page Program Development
CHAPTER 5 Database and Information Systems
 5.1 Basic Concepts of a Database
 5.2 The Hierarchy of Data
 5.3 Data Models
 5.4 Database Management System
 5.5 Data Warehouse and Data Mining
 5.6 Popular Database Management System
 5.7 Information Systems
CHAPTER 6 Computer Networks and Communications
 6.1 Communication Basics
 6.2 Communications Channels
 6.3 Communication Protocols
 6.4 Communication Devices
 6.5 Communication Network
 6.6 Applications of Computer Networks
 6.7 Networks Standardization Organization
CHAPTER 7 Graphics and Multimedia
 7.1 Multimedia Basics
 7.2 Graphics and Image
 7.3 Multimedia Personal Computers
 7.4 Multimedia Applications
 7.5 Data Compression for Multimedia
 7.6 Developing Multimedia Presentations
 7.7 Visual Reality and Applications
CHAPTER 8 The Internet and World Wide Web
 8.1 The History of the Internet
 8.2 The Next-Generation of Internet
 8.3 Connecting to the Internet
 8.4 Internet Services
 8.5 E-commerce
CHAPTER 9 Computer Security and Virus Defense
 9.1 Introduction to Computer Security
 9.2 Security and Protection Technologies
 9.3 Computer Virus Defense
CHAPTER 10 Ethics and Privacy
 10.1 Computer ethics
 10.2 Computer and Internet Crime
 10.3 Privacy and the Computer
