During the last twenty years,Chinese mathematics has experienced very impressive developments.with significant increases in international academic communications.Different levels of modern mathematical 1ecture series and summer schools(for example,the Special Mathematics Lecture Series in Beijing University since 1998) were held in many universities and research institutes.Prominent native and overseas mathematicians gave lectures on basic knowledge and recent developments in different areas of mathematics.This has provided very good opportunities for Chinese mathematics researchers and graduate students to get in touch with basic knowledge as well as ongoing research projects in mathematics.In particular,this has substantially promoted the development of young mathematicians in China. The formulation of the Lecture in Contemporary Mathematics is based on these activities and series lectures.It serves as high level,specialized textbooks for senior undergraduates,graduate students,and young mathematics researchers in mathematics and applied sciences.By publishing lecture notes of top quality, notes from elite courses in summer schools,and other forms of notes.we wish that students and young researchers Can harvest a deep understanding of new developments,and grasp basic knowledge and important ongoing projects in different areas of mathematics in a short period of time.