山门牌坊 The Main Gate and the Archways
如来八塔 The Eight Pagodas ofBuddha Sakyamuni
小金瓦殿 The Small Golden Tiled Hall
时轮大塔 The Kalachakra Stupa
祈寿殿(花寺尔) The Longevity Hall(Flower Temple)
时轮立体坛城殿 The Three-Dimensional Kalachakra Mandala
塔尔寺文物陈列馆 The Exhibifion Hall of Culmral Relics
印经院 TheBlock PrintingHouse
大经堂 The Great Su廿a Hall
大厨房 TheBigKitchen
依怙金刚殿 TheMahakalaHall
医明学院 The Medicine Institute
释迦牟尼佛殿 The Sakyamuni Hall
大金瓦殿 The Grand Golden Tiled Hall
弥勒佛殿 The Maitreya Hall
文殊菩萨殿 The Manjusri Hall
达赖遍知殿 The Dalai Lama Hall
时轮学院 The Kalachakra Institute
酥油花展览馆 The Butter Sculpture Hall
密宗学院 The Tantra Institute
大拉让吉祥新宫 The New Auspicious Larang Palace
至尊度母殿 The Dumn Hall
藏经楼 The Script-tire Storehouse
正月祈愿法会 The First Lunar Month Prayer Meeting
四月祈愿法会 The Fourth Lunar Month Prayer Meeting
六月祈愿法会 The Sixth Lunar MonthPrayer Meeting
九月祈愿法会 The Ninth Lunar Month Prayer Meeting
燃灯节 Lamp Festival
惟妙惟肖的酥油花 Lifelike Butter Sculpture
琳琅满目的壁画 Vivid Frescoes
富有立体感的堆绣 Three—Dimensional ADphque Embroidery
附:游客礼仪须知 Appendix:EtiqueRe Notice to Visitors