Learning to know学会学习
To know what is unknown坦承无知
Live andlearn终身学习
To experience体会经验
To bemodest保持谦虚
To be well-contemplating善于思考
To explore勇于探究
Learning to do学会做事
To be ambitious志存高远
To be hardheaded脚踏实地
To improve yourtime惜时守时
To be industrious勤于行动
To be persistent坚持不懈
To start and endwell善始善终
Learning to live together学会团结
To be tolerant心胸开阔
Unity is strength和衷共济
To be creditable讲求诚信
To love and respect尊重爱护
To make friends广交朋友
To know when to fight,when to fold能屈能伸
Learning to be学会生存
To attach importance to health重视健康
Not to seekfame&wealth淡泊名利
To be frugal俭以养德
To be independent自强自立
To realize ideals实现理想
To be content知足常乐