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GMDSS Communications Services(英文版)

GMDSS Communications Services(英文版)

定 价:¥18.80

作 者: 张仁平、陈伟、鲍君忠
出版社: 大连海事学院出版社
丛编项: 高等学校统编教材
标 签: 水路运输


ISBN: 9787563211197 出版时间: 1998-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 181 字数:  


  《高等学校统编教材:GMDSS Communications Services(英文版)》是高等学校统编教材之一,主要内容包括:GMDSS的组成和功能;遇险、紧急和安全通信;国际海事卫星通信(INMARSAT)和COSPAS—SARSAT应急无线电示位标;GMDSS地面通信系统和海上安全信息(MSI)的播发;特别业务和有关国际国内无线电通信规则和规定等。本教材始终以GMDSS的功能和提供的业务为主线,系统地阐述了GMDSS的基本概念,遇险和安全通信的规定和程序,GMDSS各分系统的组成,操作程序以及各种业务应用知识。为航海院校船舶驾驶专业(含驾通合一)、船舶通信导航专业“GMDSS通信业务”课程的指定教材;也可作为船舶驾驶员、无线电员、航运企事业管理人员和其他有关人员业务学习以及GMDSS证书培训的参考书。


暂缺《GMDSS Communications Services(英文版)》作者简介


Chapter 1 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
1.1 GMDSS Overview
1.1.1 General
1.1.2 GMDSS Functions
1.1.3 GMDSS Areas
1.2 Carriage Requirements of Ship Stations
1.2. 1 Carriage Requirements
1.2.2 Means of Ensuring Availability of Ship Station Equipment
1.2.3 Summary Notes of GMDSS Equipment
1.3 Licences, Radio Safety Certificates, Inspections and Surveys
1.3. 1 Operator's Certificates
1.3.2 Licences
1.3. 3 Categories of Ship Stations
1.4 Test of Radio Equipment
1.4.1 Daily Tests
1.4.2 Weekly Tests
1.4.3 Monthly Tests
1.5 GMDSS Master Plan
Chapter 2 Distress, Urgency and Safety Communications
2.1 GMDSS General Provisions
2.1.1 Distress Frequencies
2.1. 2 Aeronautical Frequencies
2.1.3 GMDSS VI-IF Channel Usage
2.1.4 Satellite Service
2.1.5 Survival Craft
2.1.6 Protection of Distress Frequencies
2.1.7 Transmitter Tests
2.1.8 GMDSS Watchkeeping Arrangements
2. 1.9 Watchkeeping: Alert Calls
2.1.10 Dedicated DSC Watchkeeping Receiver
2.2 Distress Communications
2.2.1 Distress & Safety Operational Procedures
2. 2.2 Distress Alerting
2.2.3 Shore to Ship Distress Alert Relay
2.2.4 Distress Alert by a Station not Itself in Distress
2.2.5 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Distress Alerts
2.2.6 Acknowledging Receipt of Distress Alerts by Coast Stations, LESs or RCCs
2.2.7 Acknowledging Receipt of Distress Alerts by Ship Stations or MESs
2.2.8 Preparations for Handling Distress Traffic
2.2.9 Distress Traffic
2.2.10 Imposing Silence
2.2.11 Resumption of Normal Working
2.2.12 On scene Communications
2.2.13 Locating and Homing Signals
2.2.14 Search and Rescue Transponders (SARTs)
2.2.15 Charging for Distress Communication
2.2.16 Distress Communications by DSC
2.2.17 Satcom Distress Procedure
2.2.18 GMDSS Distress Alert Procedure
2.2.19 False Alerts
2.3 Urgency Communications
2.3.1 Urgency Communications
2.3.2 Urgency Messages and DSC
2.3.3 Reception of DSC Urgency Calls
2.4 Safety Communications
2.4. 1 Safety.Communications
2.4.2 Intersbip Navigation Safety Communication
2.4.3 Safety Messages and DSC
2.4.4 Reception of DSC Safety Calls
2.5 Search and Rescue Transponders (SARTs)
2.5.1 SART Signals at Close Range
2.5.2 Factora Which Increase the Visibility of a SART
Chapter 3 Satellite Communieation System
3.1 Inmarsat Communication Systems
3.1.1 Introduction
3.1.2 Inmarsat-A Communications Services
3.1.3 Inmarsat-C Communication Services
3.1.4 Using Inmarsat in.the Shore-to-Ship Direction
3.1.5 Inmarsat Traffic Accounting and Billing Arrangements
3.2.1 Components of COSPAS-SARSAT System
3.2.2 How to Locate the Beacon
Chapter 4 Terrestrial Communication Systems
4.1 Introduction
4.1.1 General
4.1.2 Long-Range Service
4.1.3 Meclium-Range Service
4.1.4 Short-Range Service
4.2 Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
4.2. 1 Basic Description of DSC
4.2.2 Use of Frequencies
4.2.3 Method of Calling
4.2.4 Acknowledgement of Calls
4.2.5 DSC Routine Calls
4.2.6 DSC Testing
4.3 Narrow Band Direct Printing (NBDP)
4.3.1 General Provisions
4.3.2 Telex Frequencies
4.3.3 Operation Procedures in NBDP
4.4 Maritime Mobile Radio Telephony (RT)
4.4. 1 Use of Frequencies
4.4.2 General Procedure for RT
4. 4.3 Transmission.of Rediotelegram by RT
4.4, 4 ,,Some Other,RT Services
Chapter $ Maritime Safety Information (MSI)
5.1 General Introduction
5.1.1 General
5.1.2 Maritime Safety Information Services
5.2 NAVTEX System
5.2.1 General
5.2.2 Definition
5.2.3 Principal Features of NAVTEX
5.2.4 Message Format
5.2.5 Message Priority of NAVTEX
5.3 Enhanced Group CalI(EGC) System
5.3.1 Introduction
5.3.2 General Features of the EGC System
5.3. 3 Promulgation of MSI via SafetyNET
5.3.4 Receiving SafetyNET Broadcasts
5.3.5 The EGC Services for Shore-to-Ship Broadcasts
5.3.6 Charges for SafetyNET Services
6.1 Radio Time Signals
6.1.1 Introduction
6.1.2 English System
6.1.3 British Broadcasting Corporation System
6.1.4 Old International System
6.1.5 New International.System
6.1.6 United States System
6.1.7 Stations Transmitting Radio Time Signals in China
6.2 Ice Report
6.2.1 The Bakie Sea Ice Code
6.2.2 International Ice Patrol
6.2. 3 Canada. Ice Information, Routeing and Requests for Icebreaker AssiStance
6.2.4 Ice Report in China
6.3 Medical Advice by Radio
6.3. 1 General Information
6.3.2 Contents of Medical Text
6.3.3 Medical Advice for Ships at Sea in China
6.4 Ship Reporting Systems
6.4. 1 Australian Ship Reporting System(AUSREP)
6.4.2 The AMVER Organization
6.4.3 Japanese Ship Reporting System (JASREP)
Appendix 1 字母读音拼写表及数字代码表
Appendix 2 国际电传电话国家码
Appendix 3 Inmarsat Coast Earth Stations-ID Codes
Appendix 4 2-Digit Code Telex Services
Appendix 5 2-Digit Code Telephone Services
Appendix 6 GMDSS Radio Log
Appendix 7 国内、国际有关无线电通信规则和规定
Appelidix 8 《无线电信号书》(英版)简介和使用方法
Appendix 9 GMDSS Operating Guidance for Masters of Ships in Distress Situations
Appendix 10 Chapter N of the International Convention for the safety of-life at sea,1974 (adopted 1988)
