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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语动物医学英语



定 价:¥27.00

作 者: 李庆章
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
丛编项: 新世纪农业科学专业英语
标 签: 医疗英语

ISBN: 9787810737388 出版时间: 2007-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 297 字数:  






Unit 1 专业英语概论
 1.1 学习专业英语的重要意义
 1.2 当前世界上最常用的几种外语的形成与发展
 1.3 专业英语和公共英语的共性和个性
 1.4 专业英语中普通和专业词汇的构词
 1.5 专业英语的语法特点
 1.6 专业英语的文体学(Stylistics)
 1.7 专业英语句子结构与分析
 1.8 专业英语的阅读
 1.9 专业英语的翻译
 1.10 长句、难句的翻译
Unit 2 Anatomy
 Part A General Anatomy of the Heart
 Part B1 Trachea,Pleura and Lung
 Part B2 Stomach
Unit 3 Physiology
 Part A Blood
 Part B1 Cardiovascular System
 Part B2 Skin
Unit 4 Pharmacology
 Part A Introduction of Pharmacology
 Part B1 Pharmacological Effects of Nitric Oxide
 Part B2 Anti-AIDS Agents
Unit 5 Pathology
 Part A Introduction of Pathology
 Part B1 Respiratory Pathology
 Part B2 Gastrointestinal Pathology
Unit 6 Immunology
 Part A General Features of the Immune Responses
 Part B1 Deficiencies in the Immune System
 Part B2 Immunology of Tumors
Unit 7 Microbiology
 Part A Microbiology,the Science
 Part B1 Bacterial Cell Envelope
 Part B2 Virus Infection
Unit 8 Clinical Diagnostics
 Part A General Examination of the Patient
 Part B1 Pain
 Part B2 Molecular Tools for the Diagnosis of Animal Diseases
Unit 9 Internal Medicine
 Part A Rumen Lactic Acidosis
 Part B1 Diarrhea
 Part B2 Ketosis of Ruminants
Unit 10 Surgery
 Part A History of Veterinary Surgery
 Part B1 Ovariohysterectomy
 Part B2 Displaced Abomasum
Unit 11 Obstetrics
 Part A Uterine Disorders
 Part B1 Bovine Mastitis
 Part B2 Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer
Unit 12 Lemology
 Part A Foot and Mouth Disease
 Part B1 Hog Cholera
 Part B2 Blue Eye Disease
Unit 13 Parasitology
 Part A Fundamentals of Parasitology
 Part B1 Sarcoptic Mange of Pigs
 Part B2 Trichinella Spiralis
Unit 14 Chinese Veterianry Medicine
 Part A The Basic Principles of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
 Part B1 The International Veterinary Acupuncture Society
 Part B2 The Role of Moxibustion in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture
