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作 者: 赵堪培 主编
出版社: 世界图书出版公司
丛编项: 《最新简明英语系列教程》
标 签: 英语阅读


ISBN: 9787506246392 出版时间: 2001-05-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 32开 页数: 434页 字数:  






Unit 1
Passage A Higher Education in the United States
Passage B Applying for Studying in USA
Unit 2
Passage A International Standardized English Tests
Passage B Degrees Offered in USA
Unit 3
Passage A Strengthen Your Confidence
Passage B Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
Unit 4
Passage A Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Passage B Problem Sleepiness
Unit 5
Passage A Why Do We Yawn and Blink
Passage B Tinnitus
Unit 6
Passage A Sleeping and Snoring
Passage B Dreaming
Unit 7
Passage A Parents and Cash
Passage B Controlling Anger
Unit 8
Passage A Creating Physical Balance
Passage B Balancing Brains
Unit 9
Passage A Alternative Forms of Exercise
Passage B Computers and Health
Unit 10
Passage A Common Values of North Atlantic Treaty
Passage B The Fundamental Role of NATO
Unit 11
Passage A The World Trade Organization
Passage B History of BBC
Unit 12
Passage A Valentine's Day
Passage B Jesus Christ
Unit 13
Passage A The Warming of the Earth
Passage B Living in Space
Unit 14
Passage A Hubble Space Telescope
Passage B Astronaut's Four Options
Unit 15
Passage A Mystery in the Milk Way
Passage B The Enduring Mysteries
Unit 16
Passage A Interviewing Skills
Passage B How to Leave a Job Properly
Unit 17
Passage A Winston Churchill
Passage B Brigham Young Mormon Pioneer of t
Unit 18
Passage A Superstitions
Passage B Childhood Customs and Superstitions
Unit 19
Passage A Common Plants Help Reduce Indoor Air
Passage B New Style Hunter Emerging
Unit 20
Passage A Towards a Standing Army
Passage B Responses to Terrorism
Key to Exercises
