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定 价:¥17.00

作 者: 石春成
出版社: 西北工业大学出版社
丛编项: 高等学校教材
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787561222188 出版时间: 2007-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 0开 页数: 156 字数:  






Unit 1
 Text A Chemistry:A Science for All Reasons
 Text B Welcome to Our Chemical World!
 Text C Practical Reading
Unit 2
 Text A What is a Chemist?
 Text B Alfred Bernhard Nobel
 Text C Practical Reading
Unit 3
 Text A Modern Structural Chemistry
 Text B Atom,Molecular and Compound
 Text C Practical Reading
Unit 4
 Text A Inorganic Chemistry and Inorganic Compound
 Text B Soda Ash
 Text C Practical Reading
Unit 5
 Text A Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
 Text B Applications of Redox Reactions
 Text C Practical Reading
Unit 6
 Text A Organic Chemistry:Hydrocarbons
 Text B Green Chemistry
 Text C Practical Reading
Unit 7
 Text A Physical Chemistry:Thermodynamics and Kinetics
 Text B Glass
 Text C Practical'Reading
Unit 8
 Text A Coordination Chemistry
 Text B Crystallisation
 Text C Practical Reading
Unit 9
 Text A Environment Chemistry:Water and Water Wastes
 Text B Science Hero: Madame Curie
 Text C Practical Reading
Unit 10
 Text A Life Chemistry
 Text B Current Development in Foods and Food Processing
 Text C Practical Reading
Appendix 1 Tables for Common Marks and Symbols for Chemistry
Appendix 2 A Glossary of Special Terms for Chemistry
