Features (导读)
The Spice of Life (生活的香料)
Spice and Mystery (神秘的香料)
The Pepper Hunt (寻找胡椒粉)
The Spice Race (香料贸易竞争)
Islands of Spice (香料岛)
Hot! Hot! Hot! (辣!辣!辣!)
Pepper Confusion (胡椒和辣椒的混淆)
Cowboys, Mexicans, and Chili (牛仔、墨西哥人和红辣椒)
A Taste of India (印度口味)
Costly Spices (昂贵的香料)
Threads of Saffron (藏红花丝)
Beans of Vanilla (香草豆)
Salt and Pepper (盐和胡椒)
Mountains of Salt (盐山)
Fields of Color (五光十色的田野)
Glossary (词汇表)
Index (索引)
Review & Activities (活动手册)