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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语听力/口语会议英语:成功的讲演技巧



定 价:¥32.00

作 者: (英)马克·鲍威尔
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787115162656 出版时间: 2007-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 0开 页数: 128 字数:  






Introduction Using this Book
Section 1 Getting Started
 1.1 Introductions
 1.2 Stating Your Purpose 1
 1.3 Stating Your Purpose 2
 1.4 Effective Openings
 1.5 Signposting
 1.6 Survival Tactics
Section 2 Exploiting Visuals
 2.1 Introducing Visuals
 2.2 Commenting on Visuals
 2.3 Change and Development 1
 2.4 Change and Development 2
 2.5 Change and Development 3
 2.6 Cause, Effect, and Purpose
Section 3 Using Your Voice
 3.1 Articulation 1
 3.2 Articulation 2
 3.3 Chunking 1
 3.4 Chunking 2
 3.5 Chunking 3
 3.6 Stress
 3.7 Pacing
 3.8 Intonation 1
 3.9 Intonation 2
 3.10 Sound Scripting 1
 3.11 Sound Scripting 2
 3.12 Sound Scripting 3
Section 4 Basic Techniques
 4.1 Emphasis 1
 4.2 Emphasis 2
 4.3 Emphasis 3
 4.4 Emphasis 4
 4.5 Emphasis 5
 4.6 Focusing
 4.7 Softening 1
 4.8 Softening 2
 4.9 Repetition 1
 4.10 Repetition 2
 4.11 Repetition 3
Section 5 Further Techniques
 5.1 Rhetorical Questions 1
 5.2 Rhetorical Questions 2
 5.3 Rhetorical Questions 3
 5.4 Dramatic Contrasts 1
 5.5 Dramatic Contrasts 2
 5.6 Tripling 1
 5.7 Tripling 2
 5.8 Tripling 3
 5.9 Machine-gunning
 5.10 Build-ups
 5.11 Knock-downs
 5.12 Simplification
 5.13 Creating Rapport 1
 5.14 Creating Rapport 2
 5.15 Creating Rapport 3
Section 6 Key Language
Section 7 Handling Questions
Answer Key
