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定 价:¥13.80

作 者: 宋建桐,王晓平 主编
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 中等职业教育规划教材
标 签: 汽车理论

ISBN: 9787119048291 出版时间: 2007-06-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 16 页数: 153 字数:  






Chapter 1 Automobile Overview
 Learning Objectives
 Lesson 1 History of Automobile
 Lesson 2 Automobile Structure and Engine Operating Principle
 Supplementary Reading
Chapter 2 Automobile Engine
 Learning Objectives
 Lesson 3 Cylinder Block and Valve Train
 Lesson 4 Connecting Rod Mechanism and Crankshaft
 Lesson 5 Fuel Supply System and Exhaust System
 Lesson 6 Cooling System and Lubricating System
 Lesson 7 Ignition System and Starting System
 Supplementary Reading
Chapter 3 Automobile Chassis
 Learning Objectives
 Lesson 8 Clutch and Transmission
 Lesson 9 Driveline and Differential
 Lesson 10 Suspension System and Wheels
 Lesson 11 Steering System
 Lesson 12 Brake System
 Supplementary Reading
Chapter 4 Automobile Body and Electrical Equipment
 Learning Objectives
Lesson 13 Body
Lesson 14 Electrical Equipment
Supplementary Reading
Chapter 5 New Automobile Technologies
Learning Objectives
Lesson 15 Airbag
Lesson 16 ABS and ASR
Lesson 17 GPS
Supplementary Reading
Chapter 6 Automobile Repair and Maintenance
 Learning Objectives
Lesson 18 Repair
Lesson 19 Engine Maintenance
Lesson 20 Automobile Testing Instrument
Lesson 21 Care of Car Exterior
Supplementary Reading
