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定 价:¥19.00

作 者: 刘倩,吴静 主编
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787564010461 出版时间: 2007-05-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 16 页数: 178 字数:  






Unit 1 On the Way to China
 Dialogue 1 Checking in at the Airport
 Dialogue 2 On the Airplane
 Dialogue 3 Arriving in Beijing
 Further Reading:Tower Bridge
Unit 2 Communications
 Dialogue 1 At the Front Desk of Minzu Hotel
 Dialogue 2 Making a Telephone Call
 Dialogue 3 At the Post Office
 Further Reading:Guilin
Unit 3 At a Hotel
 Dialogue 1 Making a Hotel Reservation
 Dialogue 2 Booking into a Hotel
 Dialogue 3 Hotel Services
 Further Reading:Yellowstone National Park
Unit 4 Recreation and Entertainment 
 Dialogue 1 Enjoying Beijing Opera in the Theatre
 Dialogue 2 During the Intermission
 Dialogue 3 Dancing in the Ballroom
 Further Reading:The Lea~ing Tower
Unit 5 At Restaurants
 Dialogue 1 At a Restaurant
 Dialogue 2 A Chinese Banquet
 Dialogue 3 An American Dinner
 Further Reading:Great Barrier Reef--A Natural World Wonder,
Unit 6 At the Travel Agency 
 Dialogue 1 Telephoning the Travel Agency
 Dialogue 2 Booking an Air Ticket 
 Dialogue 3 Booking a Passage
 Further Reading:History of Taj Mahal
Unit 7 Visiting Qufu
 Dialogue 1 Visiting the Temple of Confucius
 Dialogue 2 Visiting the Mansion of Confucius
 Dialogue 3 Visiting the Forest of Confucius
 Further Reading:Rome
Unit 8 Shopping
 Dialogue 1 At the Shop near the Forbidden City
 Dialogue 2 At a Handicraft Store
 Dialogue 3 In a Souvenir Store
 Further Reading:The Summer Palace
Unit 9 Chinese Festivals
 Dialogue 1 Talking about the Spring Festival
 Dialogue 2 Talking about the Lantern Festival
 Dialogue 3 Talking about the Mid-Autumn Festival
 Further Reading:New Zealand
Unit 10 Emergencies and Troubles
 Dialogue 1 At the Lost Property Counter
 Dialogue 2 Getting Sick
 Dialogue 3 In a Branch of Bank of China
 Further Reading:Go Diving in the Gulf of Thailand
Key to the Exercises
