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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读新世纪英语新闻阅读(第1册)



定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 何肖朗 主编
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 英语阅读


ISBN: 9787118051032 出版时间: 2007-04-01 包装: 胶版纸
开本: 页数: 311 字数:  


  《高等院校英语报刊阅读教材:新世纪英语新闻阅读(第1册)》共10个板块,分为20单元,每单元由Text A和Text B构成。所选文章主要是英文报刊2005年至2006年的世界政治、经济、文化、环境保护、教育、医疗等方面的社会情况介绍,体现当今世界和平、合作与发展的主题。本书适合大学英语及涉外专业学生选修,也可供参加英语等级考试和研究生入学、托福、雅思、商务BEC等考试的学生及英语爱好者选读。




PART 1 Hot News
 Unit 1
Text A A Toast to Torino, with a Last Bicerin
 Text B How to Read a Newspaper?
Unit 2
  Text A The Race Against Avian Flu
  Text B What Is a Newspaper?
PART 2 Environmental Protection
Unit 3
  Text A China Notes Costs of "Grave" Pollution
  Text B Where Does News Come from?
Unit 4
  Text A Global Warming Threatens Deserts
  Text B Headlines
Unit 5
  Text A A Sinking Feeling
  Text B Who Processes the News?
PART 3 Cloned Stem-cell Research
Unit 6
  Text A Clone Aid
  Text B When Is It News?
Unit 7
  Text A Ancient DNA Yields Clues to the Puzzle of European Origins
  Text B The Importance of Accuracy
PART 4 Health and Travel
Unit 8
  Text A So, You Want to Live for Ever?
  Text B The Need for Objectivity
Unit 9
  Text A Out of the Comfort Zone
  Text B Libel
PART 5 Social Problems
 Unit 10
  Text A Are You Safe from Online Crooks?
  Text B The Editorial
 Unit 11
  Text A ID Thieves' New Tricks
  Text B Readers' Letters
PART 6 Education and Immigration
 Unit 12
  Text A Feeling Strains, Baptist Colleges Cut Church T
  Text B Analyzing an Editorial
 Unit 13
  Text A Immigrants Rally in Scores of Cities for Legal
  Text B Features and Classifieds
PART 7 Science and Information Technology
 Unit 14
  Text A In the Kitchen
  Text B Sports
 Unit 15
  Text A In Search of the Real Google
  Text B Classifieds
PART 8 Economy
 Unit 16
  Text A Is Ford Running on Empty?
  Text B The Newspaper as Current Events Source
PART 9 Politics and Biography
 Unit 17
  Text A Senate Approves Lobbying Limits by Wide Mar
  Text B Learning from Newspaper Graphs
 Unit 18
  Text A Voice of Courage
  Text B Using the Newspaper in a Writing Report
PART 10 Art and Culture
 Unit 19
  Text A Can This Man Save the Movies?(Again?)
  Text B Newspaper Careers
Unit 20
Text A The Competition Was Thick and Growing
Text B Special Expressions
Reference Key to the Exdrcises
