CHAPTER 1 Introduction
1.0 Background and Need for the Study
1.0.1 Chinese Ethnic Minority Education
1.0.2 English as a Foreign language (EFL) Learning in Ethnic Minority Areas of China
1.1 Significance of the Study
1.2 Main Objectives and Research Questions
1.3 The Structure of the Thesis
1.4 Summary of Chapter One
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review
2.0 Introduction
2.1 Attitude,Motivafion and Their Relationships
2.1.1 Attitude
2.1.2 Motivation
2.1.3 Motivation and Transfer in Language Learning
2.1.4 Trait and State Motivations
2.2 Motivation in Education:The Role of Motivationin Learning
2.3 Attitude.Motivation and SLA/FLL Achievement
2.3.1 Integrative and Instrumental Motivation
2.3.2 FLL Motivation Model
2.3.3 Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation
2.3.4 A Model of Intrinsic,Extrinsic,Integrative Orientations and Motivation
2.3.5 Bilingualism
2.4 Chinese Learners’Attitude and Mofivation toward Education and EFL
2.4.1 General Attitude toward Learning
2.4.2 Attitude and Motivation of FLL Learners in China as a Whole
2.4.3 Research on FLL Attitude and Motivation in China
2.5 A Study on EFL Attitude and Mofivation of Ethnic Minority Students in China and in Yuarian
2.5.1 Research Regarding Tertiary Ethnic Minority Students’EFL Attitude and Motivation
2.5.2 Research Regarding Secondary School Ethnic Minority Students’EFL Attitude and Motivation
2.5.3 Conclusion of EFL Atdtude and Motivation of Ethnic Minority Students in China and in Yunnan
2.6 Summary of Chapmr Two
CHAPTER 3 Methodology
3.0 Introduction
3.1 Methodological Rationale:A Quantitative and Qualltative Studv
3.2 Research Questions
3.3 Sampling
3.3.1 Rationale of Sampfing
3.3.2 Selection of Sampling
3.3.3 Subjects
3.3.4 The Ethnicity and Ethnic Identity of the FourGroups of Subjects
3.4 Measurement
3.4.1 Review Related to Attitude and Motivation Data Collection Instruments
3.4.2 Need for a Data Collection Instrument for Ethnic Minority Chinese EFL
3.4.3 The Construction of the Questionnaire
3.4.4 Construction of the Interview Protocol
3.4.5 The English Proficiency Tests
3.5 Procedures and Implementation
3.6 Reliability and Validity
3.7 Methodological Limitations
3.8 Summary of Chapter Three
CHARTER 4 Result and Analysis
CHAPTER 5 The Qualitative Study
CHAPTER 6 Conclusion
1 Ethnic Minority Students Attitude/Motivation Questionnaire(EMSAMQ)
2 Interview Guide for a Study of Attitude and Motivation and EFL of Ethnic Minority Students in China采访提纲
3 Total Variance Explained
4 Pattern Matrix(a)