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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语写作/翻译外贸英语函电(第二版)



定 价:¥19.00

作 者: 徐美荣 主编
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787810788380 出版时间: 2007-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 182 字数:  






Chapter One Written Communication-An Overview
Parts of a business letter
Form of a business letter
Envelopes addressing
Language and tone
Structuring communications
Skill Training & Exercises
Chapter Two Establishment of Business Relations
Sample Letters
Letter 1 Self-introduction
Letter 2 Transferring business relations
Letter 3 Request for establishment of business relations
Letter 4 The first touch
Letter 5 Credit inquiry
Letter 6 Favorable reply from the bank
Letter 7 Unfavorable reply from the bank
Useful Sentences on Establishing Business Relations
Skill Training & Exercises
Chapter Three Inquiries and Replies
Sample Letters
Letter 1 Requesting for catalogues and price lists
Letter 2 The first inquiry
Letter 3 General inquiry
Letter 4 Specific inquiry
Letter 5 Tabulated inquiry
Useful Sentences on Inquiries and Replies
Skill Training & Exercises
Chapter Four Making Quotations and Offers
Sample Letters
Letter 1 A reply to the general inquiry
Letter 2 A reply to the specific inquiry (Making a Firm Offer)
Letter 3 Asking for pro forma invoice
Letter 4 A tabulated quotation
Letter 5 Making free offers
Useful Sentences on Making Quotations and Offers
Skill Training & Exercises
Chapter Five Making Counteroffers and Declining Orders
Sample Letters
Letter 1 Making a counteroffer
Letter 2 A reply to the counteroffer
Letter 3 Acceptance of a counter counteroffer
Letter 4 Declining the counteroffer
Letter 5 Declining orders
Letter 6 Declining a duplicate order
Useful Sentences on Making Counteroffers and Declining Orders
Skill Training & Exercises
Chapter Six Aceeptanee and Orders
Sample Letters
Letter 1 An initial order
Letter 2 Acknowledgement of an o~der
Letter 3 Placing a repeat order (A tabulated repeat order)
Letter 4 Sending a S/C with counter-signature
Letter 5 A reply from the seller
Useful Sentences on Acceptance and Orders
Skill Training & Exercises
Chapter Seven Terms of Payment
Chapter Eight Letter of Credit
Chapter Nine Packing and Shipment
Chapter Ten Insurance
Chapter Eleven Complaints and Claims
Chpater Twelve Agency
Chapter Thirteen E-Mails
Appendix 1 Contract合同
Appendix 2 SWIFT信用证
Appendix 3 Invoice and Certificate发票及单据
Appendix 4 Maritime Port海运港口
Appendix 5 Airpot(Airdrome)世界主要航空巷(站)(机场)
Appendix 6 Useful Phrases and Expressions
