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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 冯修文,赵琳红 主编
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社
标 签: 英语写作


ISBN: 9787313047717 出版时间: 2007-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 283 字数:  






Chapter Ⅰ Essentials and Formats of Business Writing(商务信函的写作要素与信函格式)
 Section One Essentials of Bussiness Writing(商务信函写作要素)
 Section Two Formats(信函格式)
 Section Three The Envelope(信封)
ChapterⅡ Work Documents(涉外工作文书)
Section One Meeting Arrangements(会议安排)
Section Two Business Trip Arrangements(出差安排)
Section Three Reports(报告)
Section Four Plans and Conclusions(计划及总结)
Section Five Meeting Minutes(会议记录)
Section Six Memorandum(备忘录)
ChapterⅢ Ceremonial Documents(涉外礼仪文书)
 Section One Letters of Thanks(感谢信)
 Section Two Letters of Congratulations(贺信)
 Section Three Letters of Apology(道歉信)
 Section Four Letters of Sympathy(慰问信)
Chapter 1V Exchange Documents(涉外交往文书)
 Section One Letters of Inquiry(咨询函)
 Section Two Letters of Appointment(约见函)
 Section Three Letters of Application(申请函)
 Section Four Letters of Invitation(邀请函)
 Section Five Letters of Complaint(投诉函)
Chapter V Hunmn Resources Management Documents(人力资源管理文书)
 Section One Recruitment(招聘)
Section Two Application Letters and R6sumees(求职信及简历)
Section Three Reply(答复)
Section Four Resignation(辞职)
Section Five Termination of Employment(解聘)
Section Six Internal Transfers(内部调任)
ChapterⅥ Business Documents(涉外商务文书)
 Section One Establishing Business Relations(建立贸易关系)
 Section Two Enquiries,Offers and Counter-offers(询价、报盘及还盘)
 Section Three Orders and Contracts(订单及合同)
 Section Four Terms of Payment(支付条款)
 Section Five Insurance and Shipment(保险及装运)
ChapterⅦ Legal Documents(涉外法律文书)
 Section One Notary Public(公证书)
 Section Two Power of Attorney(授权委托书)
 Section Three Settlement Agreements(和解协议书)
 Section Four Complaints,Defenses and Counterclaims(诉讼与答辩反诉状)
ChapterⅧ Travel Documents(涉外旅游文书)
Section One Travel Reception(旅游接待)
Section Two Hotel Service(酒店服务)
Section Three Travel Agreement(旅游协议书)
Section Four Travel Contract(旅游合同)
Appendix Ⅰ Contracts&Documents(合同与单证)
Appendix Ⅱ Keys to Exercises(练习参考答案)
Appendix Ⅲ Chinese Version of Specimens(样本参考译文)
