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定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 陈明娟 等编
出版社: 华东师范大学出版社
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787561753934 出版时间: 2007-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 223 字数:  


  《当代商务英语综合教程》第一至四册为基础阶段精读教材,供高职高专商务英语专业或应用英语专业学生使用,也可供程序相当的自学者使用。 本教材是专门为高职高专商务英语专业学生精心编写的。由著名英语专家主编,高职高专商务英语教学一线骨干教师、本科商务英语教学专家、英语语言教育专家和企业商务英语培训教师联袂编写,由外籍商务英语专家审定把关。 本教材特点:起点、难度适当,符合高职学生的实际特点;注重语言基本功,强化听说读写译技能训练;富有时代特色,商务与语言有机的衔接;重在培养职业能力,适应商务职场的需要;配有光盘、多媒体课件及网站,方便课余巩固。




Pronunciation Table
Unit 1
 Text A How to Get Straight A's
 Language in Use
 Text B Dell's Story
Unit 2
 Text A A Brand-new Pair of Shoes
 Language in Use
 Text B Wrigley's
Unit 3
 Text A The Making of a Success Story
 Language in Use
 Text B Auction
Unit 4
 Text A The Top Five Inventions That Shrunk the World
 Language in Use
 Text B Thank God It's Friday!
Unit 5
 Text A Beauty and Love
 Language in Use
 Text B A Starbucks Story
Unit 6
 Text A If Only
 Language in Use
 Text B The Baker Who Beat McDonald's
Unit 7
 Text A A Good Heart to Lean on
 Language in Use
 Text B Samsung
Unit 8
 Text A Pets -- A Part of American Family
 Language in Use
 Text B Walt Disney: A Short Biography
Unit 9
 Text A Doing Well by Doing Good
 Language m Use
 Text B Human Resources Management
Unit 10
 Text A If I Were a Boy Again
 Language in Use
 Text B Black Tuesday
Unit 11
 Text A A Lesson Learned at Midnight
 Language in Use
 Text B Different Types of Stocks
Unit 12
 Text A Ask, Ask, Ask
 Language in Use
 Text B The Wal-Mart Story
Unit 13
 Text A The Littlest Fire-fighter
 Language in Use
 Text B FORD Motor Company History
Unit 14
 Text A The Daffodil Principle
 Language in Use
 Text B Sales Promotion
Unit 15
 Text A My Forever Valentine
 Language in Use
 Text B The History of Coca Cola
Unit 16
 Text A The Midnight Visitor
 Language in Use
 Text B Hans Wilsdorf and His Amazing Watch
Grammar References
Style Guides
Presupposed Vocabulary List
