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药学英语(第3版 上)

药学英语(第3版 上)

定 价:¥27.00

作 者: 胡廷熹 主编
出版社: 人民卫生出版社
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787117088619 出版时间: 2007-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 280 字数:  


  《药学英语》第2版于2000年面世以来,全国药学类院校积极采用,使本书先后印刷了25次之多,发行量较大,收到了应有的社会效益。本书第3版的编写是为了适应药学教育的新形势和各高校开设基础药学英语的学时数,以及某些高校除基础药学英语外还按课程开设专业药学英语等需要。本书第3版编写中,仍分为上下两册,上册为基础药学英语,共选课文30课和阅读材料15课,其体例仍为:①课文;②词汇注释;③课文注释;④习题。下册为专业药学英语,共分成药物化学、药剂学、药理学、药物分析、生药学、生物化学、植物化学和药事管理八个学科,每一学科为一单元,其中包括该学科最常用的专业词汇,在专业和语言方面有一定代表性的三篇文章,每篇文章后分别注解单词和词组并附有课文语法注解,然后再选三篇专业文章,供学生自行阅读。本书下册的第九单元为《药学英语写作技巧》。每册书后均附有词汇总表。参加本书编写的有北京大学医学部、广东药学院和中国药科大学的教授、副教授及老师们。全书除本人主编外,尚有史志祥副教授担任副主编。另外还专门聘请了本书编者之一甘珏老师兼任本教材编写秘书,她承担本书繁杂的内外联系工作和全部编写内务。值得一提的是,在编写过程中,本书上下册的六位编者均完成了自己分工完成的初稿,并在南京召开了近10次定稿会议。张宇辉和甘珏两位老师,对本书上册各单元课文和补充阅读及词汇注释,作了仔细的校正,本人在此致以衷心的感谢。 为了提高本书下册专业英语的质量,我们还邀请了本轮教材中八门专业课程的主编,他们分别是:四川大学华西药学院郑虎教授、沈阳药科大学崔福德教授、复旦大学药学院李端教授、中国药科大学刘文英教授、北京大学药学院蔡少青教授、中国药科大学吴梧桐教授、沈阳药科大学吴立军教授和四川大学华西药学院吴蓬教授,他们对本书下册各科专业词汇进行了仔细审查和增减,使之符合该门课程最新发展现状,在此致以衷心的感谢。


暂缺《药学英语(第3版 上)》作者简介


Unit One
Text A Vitamins
Text B Foods That Fight Cancer
Supplementary Reading Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Unit Two
Text A Chemistry and Matter
Text B Models Approach of Chemistry
Supplementary Reading Combinatorial Chemistry and New Drugs
Unit Three
Text A Anesthetics
Text B Drugs and Mind (1)
Supplementary Reading Drugs and Mind(2)
Unit Four
Text A How Does the Human Body Fight Disease?
Text B Immunotoxicity of Pharmaceuticals
Supplementary Reading The Placebo Effect
Unit Five
Text A Green Pharmacy--Herbal Medicine
Text B Natural Products
Supplementary Reading Preface to Encyclopedia of Natural Products
Unit Six
Text A Introduction of Organic Chemistry
Text B Preface to Medicinal Chemistry:A Biochemical Approach
Supplementary Reading Health Care Delivery
Unit Seven
Text A The Scope of Automation in Pharmaceutical Analysis (1)
Text B The Scope of Automation in Pharmaceutical Analysis (2)
Supplementary Reading Instrument Analysis
Unit Eight
Text A Development of New Drugs (1)
Text B Development of New Drugs (2)
Supplementary Reading The Search for New Drugs
Unit Nine
Text A Are Pharmacists Necessary?
Text B The Emerging Role of Herbal Medicine in Health Care in Europe
Supplementary Reading All about Caffeine
Unit Ten
Text A Minimum Information for Sensible Use of Self-Prescribed
Medicines An International Consensus ;
Text B Restricted Use of Medicines in the United Kingdom
Supplementary Reading Finding New Drugs to Treat Stroke
Unit Eleven
Text A The Scope of Pharmacology
Text B Biopharmaceutics
Supplementary Reading Bodily Effects of Drugs
Unit Twelve
Text A Drug Dependence (Drug Addiction)
Text B Drug Abuse
Supplementary Reading Addiction Is a Brain Disease, and It Matters What
Matters in Addiction
Unit Thirteen
Text A Good Drugs Dangerous Doses--A growing threat to public andpersonal health
Text B The Other Side of Antibiotics
Supplementary Reading Getting the Right Dose at the Right Time
Unit Fourteen
Text A New Drugs and Drug Delivery Systems
Text B The Promise and the Paradox of the Next 20 Years
Supplementary Reading Advances in Drug Delivery System
Unit Fifteen
Text A FDA'S Responsibilities and Activities
Text B How FDA Approves New Drugs
Supplementary Reading The Safety of Medicines
