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大学艺术英语(第二册 附盘)

大学艺术英语(第二册 附盘)

定 价:¥27.00

作 者: 余澄清、安铁汉
出版社: 武汉大学出版社
丛编项: 高等院校艺术英语丛书
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787307055568 出版时间: 2007-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 258 字数:  


  《大学艺术英语第二册》是根据国家新“大学英语教学大纲”的要求,为适应新形势对普通高等学校本、专科艺术类英语教学改革的迫切需要而组织编写的。本书十分注重结合艺术类学生的特点,在编写上重点突出艺术类相关的内容,以拓宽学生对艺术专业领域的视野,培养全面发展复合型艺术人才。同时,强调对学生英语基本技能的培养和训练,并注重学生英语的实际运用能力的提高。本教材题材广泛、内容新颖、图文并茂、讲解详细,十分适合教学和读者自学。全书共10个章节。每个章节都由“课文”、“听”、“说”、“语法 ”、“写作”和“阅读技巧”6个部分组成,另附有每一章节各项练习的参考答案,并配有全书“听”、“说”材料的录音光盘。


暂缺《大学艺术英语(第二册 附盘)》作者简介


Chapter 1 Music
 Ⅰ. Text A:The New Music
 Ⅱ. Text B:Different Types of Composers
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ. Grammar:Noun and Article
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:A Receipt
 Ⅵ. Reading Skill:Grasping the Main Idea (1)
Chapter 2 Painting
 Ⅰ. Text A:Painting Organization
 Ⅱ. Text B:Panel Painting
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ. Grammar:Attributive Clause
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Certificate
 Ⅵ. Reading Skill:Grasping the Main Idea (2)
Chapter 3 Dancing
 Ⅰ. Text A:Modern Dance
 Ⅱ. Text B:Lucinda Childs
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ. Grammar:Adverbial Clause
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Introduction Letter
 Ⅵ. Reading Skill:Locating Major Supporting Details
Chapter 4 Sculpture
 Ⅰ. Text A:Sculpture
 Ⅱ. Text B:Louise Nevelson
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ. Grammar:Subjunctive Subjunctive Mood (1)
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Invitation Letter
 Ⅵ. Reading Skill:Reading Meaning Clusters
Chapter 5 Design
 Ⅰ. Text A:How to Be a Jewellery Designer?
 Ⅱ. Text B:Fashion and Feng Shui
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ.Grammar:Subjunctive Mood (2)
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Letter of Apology
 Ⅵ. Reading Skill:Identify Passage Organization
Chapter 6 Photography
 Ⅰ. Text A:Nature of Photographer's Work
 Ⅱ. Text B:Kodak
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ. Grammar:Inversion
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Letter of Consolation
 Ⅵ. Reading Skill:Taking Notes
Chapter 7 Famous Architect and Architecture
 Ⅰ. Text A:An Unusual Architect—Ieoh Ming Pei
 Ⅱ. Text B:Louvre Forced to Rethink Its Glass Pyramid
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ. Grammar:Emphatic Sentence
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Letter of Thanks
 Ⅵ. Reading Skill:Using Cue Words
Chapter 8 Movie
 Ⅰ. Text A:How to Act 007—SeaM Connery
 Ⅱ. Text B:Roman Holiday—Classical Film
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ. Grammar:The Usage of As
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Letter of Complaint
 Ⅵ. Reading Skill:Distinguishing between Facts and Opinions
Chapter 9 Chinese Folk Art
 Ⅰ. Text A:An Introduction of Chinese Folk Art
 Ⅱ. Text B:Woodcut New Year Picture
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ. Grammar:Ellipsis
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Letter of Enquiry
 Ⅵ. Reading Skill:Scanning and Skimming
Chapter 10 Museum
 Ⅰ. TextA:Louvre (1)
 Ⅱ. Text B:Louvre (2)
 Ⅲ. Listening and Speaking
 Ⅳ. Grammar:Word-Class Conversion
 Ⅴ. Guided Writing:Letter of Application
Keys to the Exercises
