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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科文化世界各国文化跨文化交际研究和教育中的批评性话语分析



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作 者: 纪玉华
出版社: 厦门大学出版社
丛编项: 厦门大学英汉语言文化博士文库
标 签: 文化交流


ISBN: 9787561527757 出版时间: 2007-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32 页数: 382 字数:  


  跨文化交际学研究在国外已有半个多世纪的历史,在我国也有近30年的历程。但国内外该领域的主流理论大多注重分析语言和文化中的差异,往往把语言和文化差异视为描述角度和能力的差异,这实际上忽视了跨文化交际的“社会行为”之本质,将其假设为无权势和利益参与其中的“纯净”过程,此研究路径之局限性在近几年正越来越引起跨文化交际学研究者的注意。 本书探索批评性话语分析应用于跨文化交际研究和教育的可行性;系统概述批评性话语分析的主要理论渊源和发展史,讨论其基本理论和原则,并通过分析美国政客在跨文化语境中的演讲来说明批评性与非批评性话语分析的差别;介绍批评性话语分析的各种方法并对批评性话语分析在社会科学研究中的最新应用进行评析。本书尝试用批评性话语分析的不同方法分析英美政客在跨文化交际语境中的英文演讲,说明对跨文化交际语境中的演讲进行批评性分析可以揭示隐含在话语中的意识形态、态度和信念,以及语言、意识形态和社会语境之间的复杂关系。




Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of this study
1.2 Importance of IC study and education
 1.3 Problems with conventional IC scholarship
 1.4 The critical turn in the study of IC
 1.5 Scope and objectives of this study
 1.6 Theoretical and methodological resources for this study
 1.7 Organization of this book
Chapter 2 CDA:Theory and development
 2.1 Defining“CDA”
 2.2 The chronological development of CDA
 2.3 Theoretical foundations of CDA
 2.4 Foundational principles of CDA
 2.5 Differences between CDA and other kinds of discourse analysis
Chapter 3 CDA:Approaches and applications
 3.1 Approaches to critical discourse analysis
 3.2 Applications of CDA to social scientific research
Chapter 4 Rationale for applying CDA to IC study
 4.1 A brief history of IC study
 4.2 An overview of major IC theories
 4.3 Rethinking the theories of IC
 4.4 Rethinking the methods of IC study
 4.5 Rethinking the objects of IC study
 4.6 Necessity of applying CDA to IC study
Chapter 5 CDA of remarks by US/UK politicians and Chinese leaders in intercultural contexts
 5.1 CDA of intertextuality in remarks by US/UK politicians in intercultural contexts
 5.2 CDA of metaphors in remarks by US/UK politicians and Chinese leaders in intercultural contexts
 5.3 CDA of appraisals in remarks by US/UK politicians and Chinese leaders in intercultural contexts
 5.4 CDA of ergativity in remarks by US/UK politicians in intercultural contexts
Chapter 6 Conclusion
