本书是ASP.NET的边学边做教程,根据最新版本的MICROSOFT ASP.NET2.0重新设计和编写。读者可以从中学习到MICROSOFT ASP.NET 2.0的核心功能和基本技术,以及如何构建工作组件及Web应用程序。 通过本书,读者能够全方位掌握MICROSOFT ASP.NET 2.0技术。作者简介:George Shepherd covers Web-based and Microsoft Windows-based development with Microsoft .NET as a contributing editor for MSDN Magazine, as an instructor with DevelopMentor, and as the author of a number of programming books. As a research scientist with Rockwell Scientific, he develops large software systems for a wide range of clients. George is also a contributing architect for Syncfusion's toolsfor.NET.