1. Introduction
2. Ray 0ptics
2.1 Reflection and Refraction
2.1.1 Refraction
2.1.2 Index of Refraction
2.1.3 Reflection
2.1.4 T0tal Internal Refiection
2.1.5 Reflecting Prisms
2.2 Imaging
2.2.1 Spherical Surfaces
2.2.2 Object-Image Relationship
2.2.3 Use of the Sign Convention
2.2.4 Lens Equation
2.2.5 Classification of Lenses and Images
2.2.6 Spherical Mirrors
2.2.7 Thick Lenses
2.2.8 Image Construction
2.2.9 Magnification
2.2.10 Newton’S Form of the Lens Equation
2.2.11 Lagrange Invariant
2.2.12 Aberrations
2.2.13 Spherical Aberration of a Thin Lens
3. Optical Instruments
3.1 The Eye(as an Optical Instrument)
3.2 Basic Camera
3.2.1 PhotographiC Emulsion
3.2.2 Sensitometry
3.2.3 Rcsolving Power
3.2.4 Depth of Field
3.3 Projection Systems
3.4 Magnifiying Glass
4. Light Sources and Detectors
5. Wave Optics
6. Interferometry and Related Areas
7. Holography and Imsge Processing
8. Lasers
9. Electromagnetic and Polarization Effects
10. Fibers and Optical Waveguides
11. Optical-Fiber Measurements
12. Integrated Optics
13. Solutions of Examples and Problems
Suggested Reading Material
Subject Index