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定 价:¥21.00

作 者: 马玉玲 主编
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 语音


ISBN: 9787301107515 出版时间: 2006-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 124 字数:  






Unit One Campus Life
PartI Dialogues
PartII Oral Practice
PartIII Passages
PartIV Reading-Aloud
PartV Watch the Video and Enjoy the Movie Clip
PartVI Read and Recite
Unit Two Sports
PartI Dialogues
PartII Oral Practice
PartIII Passages
PartIV Reading-Aloud
PartV Watch the Video and Enjoy the Movie Clip
PartVI Read and Recite
Unit Three Traveling
PartI Dialogues
PartII Oral Practice
PartIII Passages
PartIV Reading-Aloud
PartV Watch the Video and Enjoy the Movie Clip
PartVI Read and Recite
Unit Four Going Abroad
PartI Dialogues
PartII Oral Practice
PartIII Passages
PartIV Reading-Aloud
PartV Watch the Video and Enjoy the Movie Clip
PartVI Read and Recite
Unit Five Computer
PartI Dialogues
PartII Oral Practice
PartIII Passages
PartIV Reading-Aloud
PartV Watch the Video and Enjoy the Movie Clip
PartVI Read and Recite
Unit Six Part Time Job
PartI Dialogues
PartII Oral Practice
PartIII Passages
PartIV Reading-Aloud
PartV Watch the Video and Enjoy the Movie Clip
PartVI Read and Recite
Unit Seven Seeing a Sick Friend
PartI Dialogues
PartII Oral Practice
PartIII Passages
PartIV Reading-Aloud
PartV Watch the Video and Enjoy the Movie Clip
PartVI Read and Recite
Unit Eight Talking About A Film
PartI Dialogues
PartII Oral Practice
PartIII Passages
PartIV Reading-Aloud
PartV Watch the Video and Enjoy the Movie Clip
PartVI Read and Recite
