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定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 魏兆群,刘扬睿 主编
出版社: 中国标准出版社
丛编项: 国际贸易公证鉴定业务丛书
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787506643863 出版时间: 2007-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 543 字数:  


  进出口商品鉴定业务是一项涉外性很强的检验业务。它对鉴定人员在英语听、说、读、写、译方面有较高的要求。为适应我国加入世贸组织、对外经济贸易迅速发展的新形势,进一步提高鉴定人员的外语水平和专业技能,由国家质检总局检验监管司组织、国家质检总局检验检疫科技委包装鉴定专业委具体落实编写了《进出口商品鉴定专业英语》一书。 为保持英语的规范性,本教材的课文和阅读材料基本上选自英语国家的学术专著、期刊以及相关国际组织的正式文献和检验检疫法规。本教材在结构上采用了高等院校统编外语教材的体例,每课的内容包括课文、生词与词组、课文注释、练习、阅读材料,课后附有与课文内容相关的阅读材料,旨在扩大读者的阅读量和知识面,课后配有大量多种不同层次的练习和问答,并配有参考译文和练习答案。




Unit 1 Import&Export Conunoaity Inspection&Surveying Services in China
Supplementary Readings
Text A Pre—shipment Inspection
Text B IS0/IEC 17020:1998(Extracts)
Text C Main Inspection and Quarantine Operations
Unit 2 Principal Dimensions
Supplementary Readings
Text A A Tonne Is Not a Ton if It Is GRT NRT or DWT
Text B Maritime Transport of Grains
Text C Chemical Tankers——The Liquid Liners
Unit 3 Draft survey
Supplementary Readings
Text A Determining the Known-—weight in Draft Survey
Text B Trim Correction for Displacement
Text C Harbour Density and Constant
Unit 4 Unloading Black Petroleum Products
Supplementary Readings
Text A Petroleum Refining-
Text B Standard Guide for Petroleum Measurement Tables
Text C The Usage of ASTM Table 6A/6B/6C
Unit 5 Measurement Surveys on Shore Tank
Supplementary Readings
Text A Shoreline and Tanks
Text B A Brief Introduction tO Tank Gauging
Text C Sampling
Unit 6 Sampling Bituminuous Substances
Supplementary Readings
Text A Continuous Sampling
Text B Borings Sampling
Text C Grab Sampling。
Unit 7 Liquefied Gas Cargo Measurement and Calculation
Supplementary Readings
Text A Gas Carrier Types
Text B Apparent Relative Density(Apparent Specific Gravity)
Text C Liquefied Natural Gas
Unit 8 Weighing Applications
Supplementary Readings
Text A Vehicle Weighing
Text B Belt Weighing
Text C Load Cell Design
Unit 9 The Factors and Accuracy Concerning Measurement of Bulk Cargoes
Supplementary Readings
Text A The Measurement of Ullaging
Text B The Shore Installation
Text C The General Requirements of Survey Report
Unit 10 Causes of Damage
Supplementary Readings
Text A Price Terms in Foreign Trade
Text B Bill of Lading
Text C 0ther Shipping Documents
Unit 11 maritime Code of the People s Repulic of china
Unit 12 Refrigerated Cargoes
Unit 13 Preparation of cargo Holds
Unit 14 Hatch Cleanliness Surveys
Unit 15 Containerization
