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作 者: 王旭梅,王晓冬 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787810737777 出版时间: 2006-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 175 字数:  






Unit 1
Part A Introduction to Environmental Science
Part B Introduction to Environmental Impact
Unit 2
Part A Environmental problems
Part B The Interrelated Nature of Environmental Problem
Unit 3
Part A Ecosystem
Part B Endangered Species
Unit 4
Part A Summary of EIA
Part B Inadequacies in Current Methods for Environroental Assessment
Unit 5
Part A Environmental Management Systems
Part B Environmental Protection and Education in China
Unit 6
Part A Sustainable Development
Part B Six Steps to a Sustainable Society
Unit 7
Part A Water Pollution and Pollutants
Part B Wastewater
Unit 8
Part A Principles of Wastewater Treatment
Part B Biological Treatment System
Unit 9
Part A Water Purification
Part B Wlater Treatment Processes
Unit 10
Part A Type and Soumes of Air Pollutants[I]
Part B Type and Sourees of Air Pollutants[II]
Unit 11
Part A Conventional Technology of Air Pollution Control
Part B Gas and Vapor Control Technology
Unit 12
Part A New Technology of Air PoUution Control[I]
Part B New Technology of Air Pollution Control[II]
Unit 13
Part A Solid Waste Disposal Technology
Part B The Impacts of Compostiflg
Unit 14
Part A Techniques for Removal Pollutants from Soil
Part B Obsolete Pesticides Threaten Environment
Unit 15
Part A Sound and Noise
Part B Effects of Noise
