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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络计算机科学理论与基础知识CSCW:协同与冲突(英文版)



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作 者: S.Easterbrook 著
出版社: 世界图书出版公司
标 签: 计算机理论


ISBN: 9787506247115 出版时间: 2000-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 211 字数:  


  This book is the result of a one-day meeting held at the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in London, on 23rd October 1991. The aim of the meeting was to arrive at an understanding of what it is that people actually do when they say they are cooperating, and in particular, an understanding of the role of conflict. A range of views and experiences of the role of conflict in collaborative work were presented at the meeting, covering both examination of conflict in related disciplines and case studies of conflict in real situations. The chapters of this book are fuller accounts of the work presented during the meeting. Each provides a different view of the nature of conflict in collaborative work, and each draws out, to some degree, the implications for the design of CSCW systems.




List of Contributors.
A Survey of Empirical Studies of Conflict
1.1 Introduction
  1.1.1 Relevance to CSCW
  1.1.2 Perspective‘s on Conflict
  1.1.3 The Literature.
  1.1.4 Background on the Assertions
 1.2 Assertions about Conflict
  1.2.1 Occurrence of Conflict
  1.2.2 Causes of Conflict
  1.2.3 Utility of Conflict
  1.2.4 Development of Conflict
  1.2.5 Management and Resolution of Conflict
  1.2.6 Results of Conflict
 1.3 CSCW Systems
  1.3.1 Computer-Mediated Communication Systems
  1.3.2 Information Sharing Tools
  1.3.3 Concept Development Tools
  1.3.4 Group Decision Support Systems
  1.3.5 Computer Supported Meeting Environments
  1.3.6 Computer Supported Meeting Environments
  1.3.7 Shared Workspace Systems
 1.4 Conclusions
2 The Social Dynamics of Systems Development:
 2.1 Social Factors in Design:Factor Research
 2.2 The Dynamics of Design:Process Research
2.3 Process Studies of User Involvement
2.4 Design as Social Action: The Issue of Success
2.5 Models of Change: Punctuated Equilibrium.
2.6 A Dialectical View of the Design Process
2.7 The Two Sides of User Involvement.
2.8 The Psychoanalytic Perspective
2.9 Interpretation of the Case Studies: The Psychodynamics of Design
2.10 Conclusions
3 Cooperation Without Consensus in Scientific Problem Solving: Dynamics of Closure in Open Systems
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Science, Work and Problem Solving
3.3 Work is Collective: The Sui Generis Nature of Organizations.
3.4 Scientific Theories are Open Systems
3.5 Plasticity and Coherence: The Paradox of Open Systems
3.6 The Dynamics of Coherence in Open Systems: The Clotting of Ideas and Practice
3.7 The Heterogeneity of Scientific Work
3.8 Heterogeneous Problem Solving and Boundary Objects,
3.9 Types of Boundary Objects
3.10 Conclusions
4 Resolution of Inter-Individual Conflicts: A Mechanism of Learning in Joint Planning
4.1. Introduction
4.2 Sociocognitive Conflict
4.3 Focus in Discourse,
4.4 Components of the Model
4.4.1 Dialogue Focus
4.4.2 Task Focus
4.4.3 Task Representation
4.5 Inter-Individual Differences
4.5.1 Dialogue Focus Differences
4.5.2 Task Focus Differences
4.5.3 Task Representation Differences
4.6 First Study
  4.6.1 Method
4.6.2 Results
4.6.3 Discussion
4.7 Second Study
4.7.1 Method
5 Cooperation and Conflict in Knowledge-Intensive Computer Supported Cooperative Work
6 Organizational Structures,Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Conflict
7 Going Off the Rails:Understanding Conflict in Practice
8 The Computer Won't Let Me:Cooperation,Conflict and the Ownership of Information
Subject Index
Name Index
