I Crystalline solids
1 Atomic structure of crystals
1.1 Building crystals from atoms
1.2 Bonding in solids
Further reading
2 The single-particle approximation
2.1 The hamiltonian of the solid
2.2 The Hartree and Hartree-Fock approximations
2.3 Hartree-Fock theory of free electrons
2.4 The hydrogen molecule
2.5 Density Functional Theory
2.6 Electrons as quasiparticles
2.7 The ionic potential
Further reading
3 Electrons in crystal potential
4 Band structure of crystals
5 Applications of band theory
6 Lattice vibrations
7 Magnetic behavior of solids
8 Superconductivity
II Defects,non-crystalline solids and finite structrues
III Appendix