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作 者: 杨文辉 主编
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪大学实用专业英语系列
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787309055399 出版时间: 2007-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 187 字数:  






Unit Ⅰ Basic Knowledge About Logistics
Lesson 1 Introduction to Logistics
Lesson 2 Logistics Development
Lesson 3 Case Study
Unit Ⅱ Transportation Management
Lesson 1 International Rail and Road Transport
Lesson 2 Marine Transport
Lesson 3 Transportation Management
Unit Ⅲ Distribution Management
Lesson 1 Channels of Distribution
Lesson 2 Distribution Center
Lesson 3 Maersk Logistics Opened a National Distribution Center
Unit Ⅳ Warehousing Management
Lesson 1 Warehousing
Lesson 2 Inventory Control Technology
Lesson 3 Warehousing and Storage in International Trade
Unit Ⅴ International Logistics
Lesson 1 International Logistics
Lesson 2 International Logistics Center
Lesson 3 Non-Trade International Logistics
Unit Ⅵ International Freight Management
Lesson 1 Containerization
Lesson 2 International Multimodal Transport
Lesson 3 Introduction to Logistics Companies
Unit Ⅶ Logistics Information
Lesson 1 The Importance of Information
Lesson 2 Information Technology
Lesson 3 Technology at UPS
Unit Ⅷ Logistics Supply and Demand Survey
Lesson 1 Data Collection of Logistics Supply and Demand
Lesson 2 The Questionnaire Design of Logistics Supply and Demand
Lesson 3 Logistics Service Questionnaire (Distributor)
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