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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读新世纪大学英语阅读(第二册)



定 价:¥23.00

作 者: 齐世和、宫欣怡
出版社: 北京理工大学出版社
丛编项: 外语教学指导与学术研究系列丛书
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787564011505 出版时间: 2007-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 461 字数:  


  本书共分两册,每册包括十六个单元,每单元包括四篇课文,每篇课文后面都编有练习,并附有练习答案和词汇表。这是本书的第二册,适用于大学非英语专业二年级学生阅读。 本书的最大特点是取材新老兼顾,题材多样,知识性强,语言地道,兼顾趣味性和广泛性。置身其中,你既可以领略光怪陆离的尼斯湖的神秘,又可以追溯风靡一时的“博克”的来源;既可以学习名人的成功之道,又可以了解各国有关数字的迷信…… 本书的另一特点是练习的针对性强且全面合理。每课的练习都分为两大部分。第一部分为理解练习(Comprehension Exercise),其中包括根据短文回答问题、英译汉(文中的关键句和难句)、汉译英(练习文中出现的重点词汇或短语)等三种形式。第二部分为词汇练习(Vocabulary Exercises)其中包括易混词、多义词以及构词法练习。




Unit One
 1. Music Has Power
 2. Learning from Failure
 3. Israel: Holidays, Festivals and Traditions
 4. My Passion
Unit Two
 5. Is Packing Important to You?
 6. What Do Children Need?
 7. Seven Secrets to A Great Life
 8. Friendship
Unit Three
 9. Tell Mommy I Love Her
 10. Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed,Something Blue !
 11. Rat's Brain Waves: A Hope to Trapped People
 12. The Hope of Missing Children
Unit Four
 13. Pressure Benefits Study
 14. If Only You'd Listen to Your Own Intuition
 15. Aspects of English Life: Getting Acquainted
 16. Breakthroughs for Future Household Products by 2007
Unit Five
 17. Suburbanization
 18. Learn to "Think"
 19. Social Sciences as "Soft"
 20. Painting A House
Unit Six
 21. In A Bookstore
 22. Modem American Universities
 23. InferentialStatistics
 24. Artificiallntelligence
Unit Seven
 25. Environment and Community
 26. Memory
 27. Juvenile Delinquency
 28. Monetary Value of Education
Unit Eight
 29. How to Reintegrate Released Criminals into the Society?
 30. Super Slow Training
 31. Cat's Ability to Survive Falls  
 32. Boys Have More Crises than Girls
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
Unit Eleven
Unit Twelve
Unit Thirteen
Unit Fourteen
Unit Fifteen
Unit Sixteen
