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作 者: 罗虹、陆志兴 编著
出版社: 武汉大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪实用商务英语教程
标 签: 经贸英语


ISBN: 9787307055575 出版时间: 2007-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 282 字数:  






Unit 1 The wodd Economy
Text A The Changing world Economy
Text B Globalization:An Emerging Wrorld Culture
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 2 The GATT and WTO
Text A Activities of GATT
Text B The Wrorld Trade Organization
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 3 Business Law
Text A Legal Environment of Business
Text B Consumer Law
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 4 International Trade
Text A Unique Problems in International Trade
Text B The Wrorld Bank and the International Monetary Fund
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 5 Securities
Text A Stocks and Bonds(Ⅰ)
Text B Stocks and Bonds(Ⅱ)
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 6 Advertisement
Text A The Advertising Standards Authority:An Advertising Watchdog
Text B Advertising
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 7 Knowledge Economy
Text A Knowledge Economy
Text B New Zealand's Competitors in the Knowledge Economy
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 8 Automobiles
Text A Sorry,Officer,I Was Just Stating
Text B Audi Stories Behind the Four Rings
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 9 Investment
Text A The New Land of Opportunity
Text B China's Overseas Investment
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 10 E-Commerce
Text A A Consumer's Guide to E-Payments
Text B Technologies Can Take-off Fast
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 11 Trade and Technology
Text A International Countertrade
Text B China's Technology Trade and Development of Hi-Tech Sectors
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Unit 12 Housing
Text A Housing Maxket
Text B Social Security Privatization—Tax Increases
Fast Reading
Supplementary Reading
Ⅱ.Special Terms
Keys to the Exercises
