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定 价:¥46.00

作 者: 陈宁、池玫
出版社: 北京大学出版社
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787301120378 出版时间: 2007-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 379 字数:  






Chapter 1 Welcoming Clients
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 2 Seeking Business Opportunity
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 3 Making Inquiries
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 4 Business Appointment and Arrangement
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 5 Offer and Counter Offer
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 6 At the Commodity Fair
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 7 Business Visit
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 8 Innovative and Power Brand Strategy
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 9 Packing and Quality Inspection
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 10 Acceptance and Orders
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 11 Business Telephone Call
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 12 Terms of Payment
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 13 Business Negotiation
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 14 Sign a Contract
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 15 Cargo Delivery
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 16 Business Conference
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 17 Sales Promotion
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 18 Interview
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 19 Complaints
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Sample Conversation 4
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Chapter 20 Banquet and Parting
Part A Situational Dialogue
Sample Conversation 1
Sample Conversation 2
Sample Conversation 3
Part B Practical Key Sentences
Part C Skills of Communication
Part D Practice
Appendix 1 Translation to the Conversation (对话参考译文)
Appendix 2 Suggested Key to Practice (实践操练参考答案)
