Chapter 1 Introduction to Earth Sciences
1.1 Earth Sciences and some related concepts
1.2 The hardship and the pleasures of geologists
Chapter 2 Universe and Planetary Geology
2.1 The history of universe exploration
2.2 Members of the Solar System
2.3 Amazing regularities in the Solar System
2.4 The origin of the Solar System
2.5 The Earth's shape
Chapter 3 Elements and Minerals
3.1 The elements in the crust
3.2 Minerals and their properties
3.3 Common minerals and rock-forming minerals
Chapter 4 Magmatism and Igneous Rocks
4.1 Magmatism
4.2 Eruption and extrusive rocks (volcanic rocks)
4.3 Intrusion and intrusive rocks
4.4 Major igneous rocks
4.5 Other concepts
Chapterr 5 Exogenic Processes and Sedimentary Rocks
5.1 External process
5.2 Basic characteristics of sedimentary rocks
5.3 The texture of sedimentary rocks
5.4 Sedimentary structure
5.5 Common sedimentary rocks
Chapter 6 Metamorphism and Metamorphic Rocks
6.1 Metamorphism
6.2 The composition,texture and structure of metamorphic rocks
6.3 The major types of metamorphism
6.4 Major metamorphic rocks
6.5 Rock cycles
Chapter 7 Geological Time and the Earth' s Evolution
7.1 Relative time
7.2 Radiometric time (dating)
7.3 Geological time scale
7.4 How to understand and remember the geological time scale
Chapter 8 Earthquakes and the Earth' s Spheres
8.1 What is an earthquake
8.2 Earthquake distributions
8.3 Earthquake and the earth's interior
8.4 Gravity and isostasy of crust
Chapter 9 Crust Movement and Geological Structures
9.1 Acting force and deformation of rocks
9.2 Fold and fracture
9.3 Contact relations
9.4 Tectonics (geotectonics) and something in the history of geology
Chapter 10 Sea Floor Spreading and Plate Tectonics
10.1 Continental drift
10.2 Sea floor spreading
10.3 Plate tectonics
Chapter 11 Weathering and Erosion
11.1 Weathering and erosion
11.2 The products of weathering
Chapter 12 Rivers and Their Geological Processes
12.1 Streams,rivers and their geologic processes
12.2 The erosion of rivers
12.3 The transportation of rivers
12.4 Sedimentation of rivers
12.5 Longitudinal profile and base level
Chapter 13 Glaciers and Glaciation
13.1 Glaciers
13.2 Glacial erosion and deposition
13.3 Glaciation and global change
13.4 Additional facts and research information
Chapter 14 Groundwater and Its Geological Processes
14.1 Hydrologic cycle
14.2 Groundwater and water table
14.3 Movement of groundwater
14.4 Porosity and permeability
14.5 Aquifers and aquitard
14.6 Changes in the groundwater system
14.7 Geologic processes of groundwater
Chapter 15 Ocean Processes and Marine Geology
15.1 Main eharaeteristies of oceans
15.2 The marine agents
15.3 Sedimentation in oceans
15.4 Sea level fluctuations and g]obal change
15.5 Additional reading
Chapter 16 Lakes and Swamps
16.1 Basic concepts and processes related to lakes and swamps
16.2 Lake database of the world
16.3 Lake database of China
16.4 Origin and types of lakes
16.5 Lakes and human environment
16.6 Additional reading
Chapter 17 Wind and Desert
17.1 Sediment transportation by wind
17.2 Wind erosion and erosion landforms
17.3 Wind deposition and deposition landforms
17.4 Desert distribution over the globe
Chapter 18 Mass Wasting
18.1 Mass wasting and influencing factors
18.2 Types of mass wasting
18.3 Recognizing and minimizing mass movement effects
Chapter 19 Human Survival and Earth's Environments
19.1 Human population and industrialization
19.2 Global climate change
19.3 Acid precipitation (rain)
19.4 Photochemical smog
19.5 Ozone depletion
19.6 Water
19.7 Soil erosion,desertification,and deforestation
19.8 Conclusion