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自主学习导读(修订版 第三册)

自主学习导读(修订版 第三册)

定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 钟乐平 主编
出版社: 上海科学技术出版社
丛编项: 世纪大学英语读写教程
标 签: 大学英语


ISBN: 9787532390571 出版时间: 2007-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 205 字数:  




暂缺《自主学习导读(修订版 第三册)》作者简介


Unit One
 Text A How I Got Smart
 Text B Coming of Age
 Text C Romance and Reality
 Key to the Exercises
 Test One
Unit Two
 Text A The Titanic Puzzle
 Text B Unjust Desserts
 Text C Will You Go Out with Me?
 Key to the Exercises
 Test Two
Unit Three
 Text A The Sense of Wonder
 Text B The Innocent Eye
 Text C If I Were 21
 Key to the Exercises
 Test Three
Unit Four
 Text A College Pressures
 Text B College Lectures: Is Anybody Listening?
 Text C What Is College for?
 Key to the Exercises
 Test Four
Unit Five
 Text A The ABCs of the U.S.A.: America Seen with European Eyes
 Text B American Values and Assumptions
 Text C A Foreign Anthropologist's Observation of Americans
 Key to the Exercises
 Test Five
Unit Six
 Text A Every 23 Minutes
 Text B Needed: A License to Drink
 Text C My Daughter Smokes
 Key to the Exercises
 Test Six
Unit Seven
 Text A So What's So Bad About Being So-So?
 Text B Slripping Down to Bare Happiness
 Text C Quality of Life Is Much More Than a Job
 Key to the Exercises
 Test Seven
Unit Eight
 Text A Space Politics
 Text B Message to the Unknown
 Text C Your Future in Space
 Key to the Exercises
 Test Eight
 Keys to the Tests
