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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络图形图像、多媒体、网页制作综合CSS:The Missing Manual(影印版)

CSS:The Missing Manual(影印版)

CSS:The Missing Manual(影印版)

定 价:¥65.00

作 者: (美)麦克法兰
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 影印版


ISBN: 9787564107734 出版时间: 2007-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 476 字数:  


  层叠样式表(CSS)能让你内心的设计思想迸发出来并得以实现。不过,将CSS与网站底层的HTML页面进行整合是一件非常困难的工作,有时甚至复杂得令人沮丧——这导致多数Web设计者不得不放弃一些奇思妙想。《CSS: The Missing Manual》可以消除Web设计工作的痛苦,并且带给你:HTML——重新入门。如果你是HTML新手,你会学到如何以CSS友好的方式进行基本页面构造。若你是HTML高手,你将学会如何像CSS设计者那样思考。鲜活实例。100多页颇具实用价值的教程帮助你循序渐进地学习。你马上就可以实践所学到的概念。设计导引。超越CSS基础,发现专业人员最为实用和最具视觉冲击力的页面布局技巧。真实世界的CSS。本书向你展示如何调试你的CSS,以兼容任何浏览器——包括Internet Explorer 7。


  David Sawyer McFarland 自1995年开始从事Web网站设计至今。他是畅销书《Dreamweaver 8: The Missing Manual》的作者,并且是知名的Dreamweaver教师。他在加州大学伯克利分校和伯克利多媒体研究中心担任网站管理员,参与过多个著名网站的架构、设计、编程等。


The Missing Credits.
Part One: CSS Basics
 Chapter 1: Rethinking HTML for CSS
  HTML: Past and Present
   HTML Past: Whatever Looked Good
   HTML Present: Scaffolding for CSS
  Writing HTML for CSS
   Think Structure
   Two New HTML Tags to Learn
   HTML to Forget
   Tips to Guide Your Way
  The Importance of the Doctype
 Chapter 2: Creating Styles and Style Sheets
  Anatomy of a Style
  Understanding Style Sheets
   Internal or External-How to Choose
  Internal Style Sheets
  External Style Sheets
   Linking a Style Sheet Using HTML
   Linking a Style Sheet Using CSS
  Tutorial: Creating Your First Styles
Creating an Inline Style
Creating an Internal Style Sheet
Creating an External Style Sheet
 Chapter 3: Selector Basics: Identifying What to Style
Tag Selectors: Page-Wide Styling
Class Selectors: Pinpoint Control
ID Seledors: Specific Page Elements
Styling Tags Within Tags
   The HTML Family Tree
   Building Descendent Seledors
Styling Groups of Tags
    Constructing Group Selectors
   The Universal Seledor (Asterisk)
Pseudo-Classes and Pseudo-Elements
   Styles for Links
   More Pseudo-Classes and -Elements
Advanced Seledors
   Child Selectors
   Adjacent Siblings
  Altribute Selectors
Tutorial: Selector Sampler
   Creating a Group Selector
  Creating and Applying a Class Selector
   Creating and Applying an ID Seledor
  Creating a Descendent Selector
Chapter 4: Saving Time with Inheritance
What Is Inheritance?
How Inheritance Streamlines Style Sheets
The Limits of Inheritance
Tutorial: Inheritance
   A Basic Example: One Level of Inheritance
  Using Inheritance to Resle an Entire Page
   Inheritance Inaction
Chapter 5: Managing Multiple Styles: The Cascade
How Styles Cascade
   Inherited Styles Accumulate
  Nearest Ancestor Wins
   The Directly Applied Style Wins
  One Tag, Many Styles
Specificity: Which Style Wins
   The Tiebreaker: Last Style Wins
Part Two: Applied CSS
Chapter 6: Formatting Text
Chapter 7: Margins, Padding, and Borders
Chapter 8: Adding Graphics to Web Pages
Chapter 9: Sprucing Up Your Site's Navigation
Chapter 10: Formatting Tables and Forms
Part Three: CSS Page Layout
Chapter 11: Building Float-Based Layouts
Chapter 12: Positioning Elements on a Web Page
Part Four: Advanced CSS
Chapter 13: CSS for the Printed Page
Chapter 14: Improving Your CSS Habits
Part Five: Appendixes
Appendix A: CSS Property Reference
Appendix B: CSS in Dreamweaver 8
Appendix C: CSS Resources
