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定 价:¥18.00

作 者: (英)米尔纳 著,彭丽,张权 改编
出版社: 中央广播电视大学出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787304037147 出版时间: 2006-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 117 字数:  






To the Student
Study Chart
Unit 1 Making a diagnosis
Lesson I So, what can I do for you
Lesson 2 When did the problem begin
Lesson 3 I'd like to examine you
Lesson 4 What's the diagnosis
Lesson 5 Let me explain your diet
Lesson 6 To put it more simply
Team Project 1
Unit 2 Working under pressure
Lesson I If you are not sure, ask
Lesson 2 He'll be fine, Mr Slenkovich
Lesson 3 Has he ever fainted before
Lesson 4 I'd like to ask you a few questions
Lesson 5 We need to take a sample
Lesson 6 Can I explain the procedure
Team Project 2
Unit 3 Breaking bad news
Lesson I Can you describe the pain
Lesson 2 It's how you say it
Lesson 3 It's getting you down, isn't it
Lesson 4 We need a psychiatric evaluation
Lesson 5 It might be multiple sclerosis
Lesson 6 I'm afraid to say that...
Team Project 3
Unit 4 Calling in the Stroke Team
Lesson I She can hardly speak
Lesson 2 How many fingers can you see
Lesson 3 We need to run a few more tests
Lesson 4 What medication would you prescribe
Lesson 5 Let's decide your rehabilitation plan
Lesson 6 I'm going to teach you some exercises
Team Project 4
Unit S Referring a patient
Lesson I I can't put up with the pain
Lesson 2 Thank you for referring the patient
Lesson 3 Let's examine your mouth
Lesson 4 Follow the postoperative advice
Lesson 5 Your test results are back
Lesson G You are very lucky
Team Project 5
Additional Resources
Unit Reviews
Grammar Resource
Medical English 250
Picture Dictionary
Audio Script
