1-01- “Pilot”
1-01-01 纹身男人
1-01-02 恢恢法网
1-01-03 律师难当
1-01-04 铁窗戒律
1-01-05 新科囚犯
1-01-06 黑帮老大
1-01-07 神秘特工
1-01-08 狱长仁心
1-01-09 子不教,父之过
1-02- “Allen”
1-02-01 沙场点兵
1-02-02 短兵相接
1-02-03 兄弟情深
1-02-04 旧情难逝
1-02-05 虚与委蛇
1-02-06 神秘女人
1-03- “Cell Test”
1-03-01 铮铮铁骨
1-03-02 同室操戈
1-03-03 一线生机
1-03-04 迷途羔羊
1-03-05 幸灾乐祸
1-04- “Cute Poison”
1-04-01 道不同不相为谋
1-04-02 爱莫能助
1-04-03 网开一面
1-04-04 防患于未然
1-04-05 初露端倪
1-05- “English,Fitz or Percy”
1-05-01 无可奈何
1-05-02 心烦意乱
1-05-03 出谋划策
1-05-04 百密-疏
1-05-05 不堪回首
1-05-06 凶相毕露
1-06- “Riots, Drills and the Devil-Part I”
1-07- “Riots, Drills and the Devil-Part II”
1-08- “The Old Head”
1-09- “Tweener”
1-10- “Sleight of Hand”
1-11- “And Then There Were 7”
1-12- “Odd Man Out”
1-13- “End of the Tunnel”
1-14- “The Rat”
1-15- “By the Skin and the Teeth”
1-16- “Brother's Keeper”
1-17- “J-Cat”
1-18- “Bluff”
1-19- “The Key”
1-20- “Tonight”
1-21- “Go”
1-22- “Flight”