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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学英语快速阅读教程(第二册)



定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 唐健 主编
出版社: 南京大学出版社
丛编项: 大学英语快速阅读系列
标 签: 阅读


ISBN: 9787305048913 出版时间: 2007-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 135 字数:  






Unit 1
 Section A Passage 1 My I.ecture on Anxiety
       Passage 2 Education Level Can't Ensure High Salary
 Section B  Passage 1 Evaluating the Instructor
      Passage 2 Healthy Eating
Unit 2
 Section A  Passage 1 The Unforgettable Experience of Mr. Frank
  Passage 2 "The Information Place"--Your Local Library
 Section B  Passage 1 Influence Factors for Divorce Rate
  Passage 2 Cancer Treatment
Unit 3
 Section A  Passage 1 Different Approaches to Teaching and Learning
  Passage 2 Sophia Loren
 Section B  Passage 1 Vegetarianism
  Passage 2 Rembrandt
Unit 4
 Section A  Passage 1 Learning Foreign Languages
  Passage 2 Animals, Plants and People
 Section B  Passage 1 Clothing for Communication
  Passage 2 Prepare to Re-engineer Once More
 Section A  Passage 1 CarrefoUr Readies for Growth in China
  Passage 2 Mystery of the Century: Murder of Sir Harry Oakes
 Section B  Passage 1 Predicting Earthquakes
  Passage 2 Toyota Seeks Link-up to Lift China Output
Unit 6
 Section A  Passage 1 Agriculture and the Development of Civilizatiol
  Passage 2 American Folk Art
 Section B  Passage 1 Changes in British Society
  Passage 2 Joint Efforts Needed in War against Crime
Unit 7
 Section A  Passage 1 What Will Happen When Traffic Becomes Ext Heavy?
  Passage 2 Your Dreams Don't Lie
 Section B  Passage 1 American Friendliness
  Passage 2 Reward and Punishment
Unit 8
 Section A  Passage 1 The Need for Exercise
  Passage 2 Multinationals' Readjustment for Investment i China
 Section B  Passage 1 Fashion
  Passage 2 The Police Make an AI
Unit 9
 Section A Passage 1 The Law for Euthanasia
  Passage 2 Multinational Linkages -- Why Decoupling from the US Is So Difficult
Unit 10
