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Temple and Cemetery of Conrucius and the kong Family Mansion in Qufu

Temple and Cemetery of Conrucius and the kong Family Mansion in Qufu

定 价:¥88.00

作 者: 孔德平 主编
出版社: 新世界出版社
丛编项: 世界遗产·中国
标 签: 名胜古迹


ISBN: 9787802281295 出版时间: 2007-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 0开 页数: 167 字数:  


  The temple, cemetery and family mansion of Confucius, the great philosopher, politician and educator of the 6th-5th centuries B.C., are located at Qufu, Shandong Province. Built to commemorate him in 478 B.C., the temple has been destroyed and reconstructed over the centuries; today it comprises more than 100 buildings.The cemetery contains Confucius' tomb and the remains of more than 100,000 of his descendants. The small house of the Kong family developed into a gigantic aristocratic residence, of which 152 buildings remain. The Qufu complex of monuments has retained its outstanding artistic and historic character due to the devotion of successive Chinese emperors over more than 2,000 years.


暂缺《Temple and Cemetery of Conrucius and the kong Family Mansion in Qufu》作者简介


Great Confucius, immortal Culture
Temp|e of Confucius
Cemetery of Confucius
The Kong Family Mansion
Heritage of Confucianism and Cutural Mission
