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定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 张洁心 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787811330076 出版时间: 2007-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 0开 页数: 212 字数:  






Unit 1 Focus
 第一单元 焦点透视
 Lesson 1 The "Millennium Generation" Is Making Its Mark
 Lesson 2 On Campuses, Studying How to Prevent Student Suicide
 Lesson 3 Too Fat:55% in U. S.
Unit 2 Marriage & Family
 第二单元 婚姻家庭
 Lesson 1 The Future of Love and Marriage
 Lesson 2 Finding the Path to Your Soul Mate
 Lesson 3 Another Thirty Years, War in the Making?
Unit 3 Politics & Military
 第三单元 政治军事
 Lesson 1 Days of Danger and Duct Tape
 Lesson 2 The World and President Bush: A New Start?
 Lesson 3 CIA in Hot Seat Over Reports Leading to War
Unit 4 Education & Sports
 第四单元 文教优育
 Lesson 1 Best Graduate Schools
 Lesson 2 The NBA' s Global Game Plan
 Lesson 3 Home at Last
Unit 5 Youth
 第五单元 青春驿站
 Lesson 1 A Wonderful Day in the Cyber-neighborhood
 Lesson 2 Teens and Drugs
 Lesson 3 Managing Your Career
Unit 6 Science & Technology
 第六单元 科学技术
 Lesson 1 Study: Mobile Phone Radiation Harms DNA in Lab
 Lesson 2 Spamming the World
 Lesson 3 Methane in Martian Air Suggests Life Beneath the Surface
Unit 7 Ideology & Belief
 第七单元 观念信仰
 Lesson 1 Cities and Suburbs Are Trading Places
 Lesson 2 NYC Ban Sparks Smoking War
 Lesson 3 Deliver Us from Our Credit Cards
Unit 8 Finance & Economy
 第八单元 财政经济
 Lesson 1 China' s Growth Poses Opportunity and Risk
 Lesson 2 The Success of Wal-Mart
 Lesson 3 Expensive Tastes
Unit 9 World Report
 第九单元 世界报道
 Lesson 1 China Finds Western Ways Bring New Woes
 Lesson 2 Why the Oil Price Is So High?
 Lesson 3 Lethal Blast Hits Jakarta Hotel
Unit 10 Social Problems
 第十单元 社会问题
 Lesson 1 Casinos Hit the Jackpot by Catering to the Increasing Elderly
 Lesson 2 Prescribed Killers
 Lesson 3 Passing the Trash
