Chapter 1 Business Letter Writing
Section I Layout of Business Letters
1. Essentials of Business Letters
2. Miscellaneous Matters
3. Envelope Addressing
4. Principles for Business Writing
Section II Styles of Business Letters
1. The Blocked Letter Style
2. The Indented Letter Style
3. The Modified Indented Letter Style
Chapter 2 Establishment of Business Relations
Section I Introduction
1. Importance of Business Relations
2. Channels for Information of Potential Partners
3. Requirements for Writing
Section II Specimens
1. Self-introduction
2. A Request for the Establishment of Business Relations and Its Reply
3. Transferring Business Relations
Useful Lxpressions
Chapter 3 Enquiry and Reply
Section I Introduction
1. Classification of Enquiry
2. Requirements for Writing
Section II Specimens
1. A General Enquiry and Its Reply
2. A Special Enquiry for White Cat Shampoo and Its Reply --
3. A Status Enquiry and Its Favorable Reply
Useful Expressions
Chapter 4 Offers and Counter-offers
Section I Introduction
1. Definitions of Offers and Counter-offers
2. Classifications of Offers
3. Requirements for Writing
Section II Specimens
1. A Non-firm Offer
2. A Firm Offer
3. A Bid
4. A Counter-offer
5. Declining an Offer
Useful Expressions
Chapter 5 Acceptance and Order Fulfillment
Section I Introduction
1. Confirmation of Acceptance
2. Conditions of Acceptance
3. Orders
4. Requirements for Order Writing
Section II Specimens
1. Sending a Repeat Order
Chapter 6 Opening and Amending the Letter of Credit
Chapter 7 Terms of Payment
Chapter 8 Package and Shiprment
Chapter 9 Insurance,Commodity Inspcction and Arbitration
Chapter 10 Complaints and Claims
Chapter 11 Agency and Consignment
Chapter 12 Joint Venture
Chapter 13 Other Trade Modes
Chapter 14 Electronic Communication
Chapter 15 Trade Documents
Appendix I 常用国际贸易词汇
Appendix II 常用经贸英语略语表