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作 者: 寇晓东,赵永强 主编
出版社: 西北工业大学出版社
标 签: 行业英语

ISBN: 9787561222805 出版时间: 2007-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 260 字数:  






Unit 1 A Mathematical Theory of Communication: Introduction
Unit 2 Hamming Code
Unit 3 A Gentle Introduction to Wavelets
Unit 4 Wavelet Applications
Unit 5 An Introduction to Hierarchical Data Format
Unit 6 Cognitive Vision
Unit 7 Detectors
Unit 8 The JPEG Still Picture Compression Standard
Unit 9 Classifier
Unit 10 Basic CCD Image Processing
Unit 11 The DirectShow Software Development Kit and the Component Object Model
Unit 12 A Video Preview Application -- Source and Render Filters
Unit 13 Image Segmentation
Unit 14 Imaging in Medicine
Unit 15 The Role of Management Information Systems
Unit 16 A Comparison of Five Alternative Approaches to Information Systems Development ( I )
Unit 17 A Comparison of Five Alternative Approaches to Information Systems Development ( II )
Unit 18 A Brief History of Decision Support Systems
Unit 19 Knowledge Management: An Introduction
Unit 20 Decision Support Systems
Unit 21 Overview of GIS ~
Unit 22 Global Positioning System
Unit 23 Remote Sensing
Unit 24 Image Processing and Analysis ( I )
Unit 25 Image Processing and Analysis ( II )
Unit 26 Geographic Information Science and Geosimulation
