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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语财政税收专业英语(中国风)



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作 者: 杨志勇
出版社: 机械工业出版社
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787111224204 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 181 字数:  






推荐序前言Chapter 1 Market and Government市场和政府 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 1.1 Market Failure and the Role of Government 1.2 How Might the Government Intervene 1.3 Limitations of Government 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Internet SourcesChapter 2 Public Goods公共产品 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 2.1 What is Public Goods 2.2 Public VS.Private Goods 2.3 Free.Rider Problem 2.4 Collective Goods 核心词汇Core Words and ExpressionS 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Internet SourcesChapter 3 Public Expenditure公共支出 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 3.1 Public Expenditure Categories 3.2 Why Public Education? 3.3 International Experience in Public Service Provision and Reform 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Internet SourcesChapter 4 Social Security社会保障 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 4.1 The Social Security System 4.2 Social Security 4.3 A General Overview of NDC 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Internet SourcesChapter 5 Introduction to Taxation税收导论 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 5.1 Wnat Is a lax 5.2 The Forms Ofllaxation 5.3 Tax Base 5.4 Tax Rate Structure 5.5 Effective versus Statutory Rams 5.6 Tax Principles 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Internet SourcesChapter 6 Excise Tax商品税 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 6.1 Sales Tax 6.2 Effect on Consumers 6.3 Value-Added Tax(VAT) 6.4 Comparison with a Sales Tax 6.5 Criticisms 6.6 The Burden of Sales and Excise Taxes 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Intemet SourcesChapter 7 Personal Income Tax个人所得税 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 7.1 Introduction to Personal Income Tax 7.2 Basic StruCture 7.3 Exemptions and Deductions 7.4 Rate Structure 7.5 A Brief Guide to the Rat Tax 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Internet SourcesChapter 8 Corporation Tax公司所得税 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 8.1 Why Tax Corporations? 8.2 Rationale for Corporation Taxation 8.3 Economic Efflects 8.4 Policy Issues 8.5 Corporation Tax Reform Proposals 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Internet SourcesChapter 9 Public Debt公债 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 9.1 An Introduction to Public Debt 9.2 Risk of Intemal and External Bonds 9.3 Clearing and Defaults 9.4 Structure and Scale 9.5 Is Rising U.S.Public Debt Sustainable? 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Intemet SourcesChapter 10 Fiscal Policy财政政策 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 10.1 Definitions and Basics 10.2 Tools and Types of Fiscal Policy 10.3 Economic Effects of Fiscal Policy 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Intemet SourcesChapter 11 Fiscal Federalism财政联邦制 名人名言Wisdom 正文Text 11.1 National Public Goods versus Local Public Goods 11.2 The Tiebout Model 11.3 Multiple Government 11.4 Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations 核心词汇Core Words and Expressions 知识扩展More Knowledge 阅读扩展More Readings 网络资源Internet Sources参考文献
