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数学物理(第1卷 英文版)

数学物理(第1卷 英文版)

定 价:¥79.00

作 者: (美)哈萨尼(Hassani,S.) 著
出版社: 世界图书出版公司
标 签: 理论物理学


ISBN: 9787506283052 出版时间: 2007-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 549 字数:  




暂缺《数学物理(第1卷 英文版)》作者简介


Note to the Reader
List of Symbols
0 Mathematical Preliminaries
0.1 Sets
0.2 Maps
0.3 Metric Spaces
0.4 Cardinality
0.5 Mathematical Induction
0.6 Problems
I Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces
1 Vectors and Transformations
  1.1 Vector Spaces
  1.2 Inner Product
  1.3 Linear Transformations
  1.4 Algebras
  1.5 Problems
2 Operator Algebra
  2.1 Algebra of L (V)
  2.2 Derivatives of Functions of Operators
  2.3 Conjugation of Operators
  2.4 Hermitian and Unitary Operators
  2.5 Projection Operators
  2.6 Operators in Numerical Analysis
  2.7 Problems
3 Matrices: Operator Representations
  3.1 Matrices
  3.2 Operations on Matrices
  3.3 Orthonormal Bases
  3.4 Change of Basis and Similarity Transformation
  3.5 The Determinant
  3.6 The Trace
  3.7 Problems
4 Spectral Decomposition
  4.1 Direct Sums
  4.2 Invariant Subspaces
  4.3 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  4.4 Spectral Decomposition
  4.5 Functions of Operators
  4.6 Polar Decomposition
  4.7 Real Vector Spaces
  4.8 Problems
II Infinite-Dimensional Vector Spaces
 5 Hilbert Spaces
  5.1 The Question of Convergence
  5.2 The Space of Square-Integrable Functions
  5.3 Problems
 6 Generalized Functions
  6.1 Continuous Index
  6.2 Generalized Functions
  6.3 Problems
 7 Classical Orthogonal Polynomials
  7.1 General Properties
  7.2 Classification
  7.3 Recurrence Relations
  7.4 Examples of Classical Orthogonal Polynomials
III Complex Analysis
IV Differential Equations
V Operators on Hilbert Spaces
VI Green'S Functions
VII Groups and Manifolds
VIII Lie Croups and Their Applications
