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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术无线电电子学、电信技术电子电路分析与设计:半导体器件及其基本应用(第3版)



定 价:¥49.80

作 者: (美)Donald A.Neamen
出版社: 清华大学出版社
标 签: 电子电路


ISBN: 9787302156833 出版时间: 2007-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 623 字数:  


  Donald A.Neamen教授的《电子电路分析与设计》(Electronic Circuit Analysis and Design)是英国知名大学广泛采用的教材。清华大学出版社曾于2000年引进本书第2版,受到了国内广大高校师生的欢迎。现在推出的第3版,为了更好地适应国内高校双语教学的需要,根据国内电子技术类课程教学的特点,分成三册出版。第1册为《半导体器件及其基本应用》,包括原版书的第1~8章;第2册为《模拟电子技术》,包括原版书的第9~15章;第3册为《数字电子技术》,包括原版书的第16和17章。全书内容丰富,视野开阔,知识面宽,涵盖了我国高等院校模拟电子技术和数字电子技术课程大部分教学基本要求;各章结构合理、层次清楚、叙述详细、文字流畅,非常适于阅读;例题习题丰富,基本题、仿真题、提高题、设计题步步深入,教学目的层次分明。




PRO LOGUEPROLOGUETO ELECTRONICS Brief History Passive and Active Devices Electronic Circuits Discrete and Integrated Circuits Analog and Digital Signals Notation SummaryPART 1SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES AND BASIC APPLICATIONSChapter 1 Semiconductor Materials and Diodes Preview 1.1 Semiconductor Materials and Properties 1.2 The pn Junction 1.3 Diode Circuits: DC Analysis and Models 1.4 Diode Circuits: AC Equivalent Circuit 1.5 Other Diode Types 1.6 Design Application: Diode Thermometer 1.7 SummaryChapter 2 Diode Circuits Preview 2.1 Rectifier Circuits 2.2 Zener Diode Circuits 2.3 Clipper and Clamper Circuits 2.4 Multiple-Diode Circuits 2.5 Photodiode and LED Circuits 2.6 Design Application: DC Power Supply 2.7 Summary ProblemsChapter 3 The Field-Effect Transistor Preview 3.1 MOS Field-Effect Transistor 3.2 MOSFET DC Circuit Analysis 3.3 Basic MOSFET Applications: Switch. Digital Logic Gate and Amplifier 3.4 Constant-Current Biasing 3.5 Multistage MOSFET Circuits 3.6 Junction Field-Effect Transistor 3.7 Design Application: Diode Thermometer with an MOS Transistor 3.8 Summary ProblemsChapter 4 Basic FET Amplifiers Preview 4.1 The MOSFET Amplifier 4.2 Basic Transistor Amplifier Configurations 4.3 The Common-Source Amplifier 4.4 The Common-Drain (Source-Follower) Amplifier 4.5 The Common-Gate Configuratiott 4.6 The Three Basic Amplifier Configurations: Summary and Comparison 4.7 Single-Stage Integrated Circuit MOSFET Amplifiers 4.8 Multistage Amplifiers 4.9 Basic JFET Amplifiers 4.10 Design Application: A Two-Stage Amplifier 4.11 Summary ProblemsChapter 5 The Bipolar Junction Transistor Preview 5.1 Basic Bipolar Junction Transistor 5.2 DC Analysis of Transistor Circuits 5.3 Basic Transistor Applications 5.4 Bipolar Transistor Biasing 5.5 Multistage Circuits 5.6 Design Application: Diode Thermometer with a Bipolar Transistor 5.7 Summary ProblemsChapter 6 Basic BJT Amplifiers Preview 6.1 Analog Signals and Linear Amplifiers 6.2 The Bipolar Linear Amplifier 6.3 Basic Transistor Amplifier Configurations 6.4 Common-Emitter Amplifiers 6.5 AC Load Line Analysis 6.6 Common-Collector (Emitter-Follower) Amplifier 6.7 Common-Base Amplifier 6.8 The Three Basic Amplifiers: Summary and Comparison 6.9 Multistage Amplifiers 6.10 Power Considerations 6.11 Design Application: Audio Amplifier 6.12 Summary ProblemsChapter 7 Frequency Response Preview 7.1 Amplifier Frequency Response 7.2 System Transfer Functions 7.3 Frequency Response: Transistor Amplifiers with Circuit Capacitors 7.4 Frequency Response: Bipolar Transistor 7.5 Frequency Response: The FET 7.6 High-Frequency Response of Transistor Circuits 7.7 Design Application: A Two-Stage Amplifier with Coupling Capacitors 7.8 Summary ProblemsChapter 8 Output Stages and Power Amplifiers Preview 8.1 Power Amplifiers 8.2 Power Transistors 8.3 Classes of Amplifiers 8.4 Class-A Power Amplifiers 8.5 Class-AB Push-Pull Complementary Output Stages 8.6 Design Application: An Output Stage Using MOSFETs 8.7 Summary ProblemsAppendix Answers to Selected Problems
