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作 者: 丁慧,马晓燕,李成林 主编
出版社: 哈尔滨工程大学出版社
标 签: 行业英语


ISBN: 9787811330533 出版时间: 2007-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 0开 页数: 180 字数:  






Unit I General Knowledge of Chemistry
Lesson 1 History of Chemistry
Lesson 2 Chemistry and Society
 Lesson 3 Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Lesson 4 Elements
Lesson 5 Metals, Nonmetals and Metalloids
Lesson 6 Acids, Bases and Salts
Lesson 7 Oxidation-Reduction Reaction
Lesson 8 Types of Chemical Equations
Lesson 9 Catalysis
Lesson 10 Inorganic Chemistry
Lesson 11 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds
Lesson 12 Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Lesson 13 Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
Unit 2 Some Techniques of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Lesson 14 Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer
Lesson 15 Basic Concept of Drying
Lesson 16 Rate of Drying
Unit 3 Surface Active Agents and Detergent
Lesson 17 Surfactant Structure, Classification and Raw Materials
Lesson 18 Nonionic Surfactants (1)
Lesson 19 Nonionic Surfactants (2)
Lesson 20 Ionic Suffactants (1)
Lesson 21 Ionic Surfactants (2)
Lesson 22 A Brief Description of the Sulphonation Processes Used for the Manufacture of Active Detergents
Lesson 23 Development of the Detergent Industry (1)
Lesson 24 Development of the Detergent Industry (2)
Unit 4 Introduction to Environmental Engineering
Lesson 25 Environmental Protection
Lesson 26 Types and Sources of Air Pollutants
 Lesson 27 Water Pollution and Pollutants
Lesson 28 Solid Waste
Lesson 29 Hazards in Chemical Engineering Laboratories
Lesson 30 Computers and Chemical Engineering
Unit 5 Coal and Its Utilization
 Lesson 31 Coal(1)
 Lesson 32 Coal(2)
 Lesson 33 Coal(3)
 Lesson 34 Coal(4)
Lesson 35 Coal Utilization
Lesson 36 Carbonization(Coke Making)
Lesson 37 Combustion
Lesson 38 Coal Combustion
Lesson 39 Gasification
Lesson 40 Coal Liquefaction
Unit 6 Abstract of Science and Technology Paper
