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定 价:¥19.20

作 者: 许长华 王炜
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 会计专业
标 签: 基础教育

ISBN: 9787040211016 出版时间: 2007-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 117 字数:  






Unit One The History of Accounting (1)
 Part Ⅰ How Accounting Develops
 Part Ⅱ The Father of Accounting--Pacioli
Unit Two The History of Accounting (2)
 Part Ⅰ The Industrial Revolution
 Part Ⅱ Dialogue--The Post of Accounting
Unit Three The Accounting Areas
 Part Ⅰ The Areas of Accounting
 Part Ⅱ The AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants)
Unit Four Forms of Business Organization
 Part Ⅰ Forms of Business Organization
 Part Ⅱ Family Financial Planning
Unit Five Accounting--An Information Processing System
 Part Ⅰ Accounting --An Information Processing System
 Part Ⅱ Coins in American Currency
Unit Six The Accounting Equation
 Part Ⅰ The Accounting Equation
 Part Ⅱ Careers in Accounting
Unit Seven The Bank of England
 Part Ⅰ The Bank of England
 Part Ⅱ At a Bank
Unit Eight The Financial Statement (1)
 Part Ⅰ Balance Sheet
 Part Ⅱ Want Ad -- Accountant
Unit Nine The Financial Statement (2)
 Part Ⅰ Income Statement
 Part Ⅱ Resume--Junior Accountant
Unit Ten The Basic Assumptions And Principles of Accounting
 Part Ⅰ The Basic Assumptions
 Part Ⅱ Dell's Story
Accounting Terms
Reference Answer
