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定 价:¥13.00

作 者: 刘玉玲、房玉靖
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
丛编项: 新世界全国高职高专院校规划教材·商务英语专业
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787810789851 出版时间: 2007-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 107 字数:  


  本套教材的宗旨是:用英语传授经济贸易的基础理论和基础知识,对学生进行全面的、严格的经贸基础理论教育和经贸专业英语语言技能的培训,使学生既掌握经济贸易知识,又能用英语从事外经贸工作。 本书是《商务英语综合教程》的教学参考书,编写内容分为四部分:一、相关专业术语解释;二、语法知识讲解及补充练习;三、课后练习参考答案;四、课文译文。




Unit 1 Advertising
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar—Passive Voice
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 2 WTo in Brief
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar—Modal Auxiliaries
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 3 IMF at a Glance
 Related Technical Terms
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 4 Multinational Corporations
 Related Technical Terms
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 5 World Tourism Organization
 Related Technical Terms
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 6 Imports and Exports
 Related Technical Terms
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 7 Methods of Payment for Imports and Exports
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar—Present Participle and Past Participle(I)
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 8 The Costs of Economic Growth
 Related Technical TerlTiS
 Grammar—Present Participle and Past Participle(II)
Kev to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 9 Climate Change—Hot under the Collar
 Related Technical Terms
Revision of  Grammar
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 10 Advertising:It’s Everywhere
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar—Subject Clause
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 11 The Intellectual Property Rights&the International
Consumer’s Day
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar—Predicative Clause
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 12 Developing an Intercultural Training Program
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar—Object Clause
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 13 Quality of Servlce at McDonald’s
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar—Appositive Clause
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 14 Insurance
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar—Attributive Clause(I)
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 15 What Kind of Negotiations Are You Preparing for?
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar——Attributive Clause(II)
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 16 Welcome to the Wired World
 Related Technical Terms
Revision of  Grammar
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
