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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语商务英语综合教程辅导用书(下册)



定 价:¥12.00

作 者: 房玉靖、刘玉玲
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
丛编项: 新世界全国高职高专院校规划教材·商务英语专业
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787810789714 出版时间: 2007-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 105 字数:  






Unit 1
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Time
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 2
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Place
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 3
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Manner
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 4
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Concession
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 5
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Condition
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 6
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Reason
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 7
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Purpose
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 8
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Result
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 9 :
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Adverbial Clause of Comparison
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 10
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Review of Adverbial Clauses
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 11
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Subject-Verb Agreement
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 12
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Emphatical "It"
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 13
 Related Technical Terms
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 14
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Subjunctive Mood (I)
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 15
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-Subjunctive Mood (II)
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
Unit 16
 Related Technical Terms
 Grammar-General Review
 Key to Exercises
 Chinese Version of the Text
