Using this book
1 Basic principles
2 The autonomic nervous system
3 Drugs in cardiovascular disease1:prevention
4 Drugs in cardiovascular disease 2:treatment
5 Drugs and the blood
6 Drugs used in CNSdisease
7 Analgesics
8 Drugs used in anaesthesia
9 Drugs for arthritis
10 Respiratory disorders and hypersensitivity
11 Drugs and the gastrointestinal system
12 Drugs for endocrine and metabolic disorders
13 Antibiotics(antimicrobials)
14 Chemotherapy for fungi,viruses and protozoa
15 Anticancer chemotherapy
16 Drugs and the skin
17 Drug overdose and poisoning
18 Substance dependency and abuse
19 Drug in pregnancy,breastfeeding,children and the elderly
20 Effects of disease state on drug response
21 Adverse drug reactions and drug interactions
22 New drugs and clinical trials