The characters in this vivid, witty, and engrossingnovel, set in a Beijing literary institute right afterthe revolution, are a group of intellectuals fromthe old society adjusting to a new reality. Thereis a love story, intrigue, back-biting, anddeception: familiar circumstances of academiclife. But in the end, all must undergo theharrowing ordeal of public confession in the firstgreat purge of the 1950s. As each responds withsubterfuge, terror, or humility, they reveal moreabout their souls than about their politics.Baptism has wide appeal for general readers,especially those with an interest in China. Writtenin a direct and fast-moving style with vividcharacters and universal plot motifs, it will alsobe a welcome addition to university courses inmodem Chinese literature or Chinese history andpolitics.Baptism is the only novel written by thedistinguished Chinese woman playwright,essayist, and translator, Yang Jiang Born in 1911, she has experienced the entire sweep ofChinas turbulent twentieth-century history.Passages from this novel have already beenquoted, in English, in books about the period.Her memoir of life during the Cultural Revolutionhas been translated twice and widely read.